Chapter 9

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Had she just made a really big mistake? Is it a one she was going to regret later? 

Those doubts were now controlling her thoughts, as she glanced over to the man that lay next to her, asleep on his front, with an arm tucked under his pillow she could only begin to wonder to herself.. Just how did she end up in this hotel room?

Turning over herself, she tucked her own arm under the pillow behind her, she smirked with a little nibble of her bottom lip when the memories of the night started to come flooding back to her.

She reached an arm out, hoping not to disturb him with her movements, she picked up her phone off the nightstand next to her, and checked the time..


She didn't realise that was the time, she couldn't remember what time she left the party, or what time she got to this room, but what she did know was her decision lead to what was a total blissful night.

Maybe she wouldn't regret it after all.

At the party, when Hank started to relax a little, they started to enjoy more of the party together, drinks, dancing, laughter.. even when Hank disappeared from her view for what seemed like an hour to her, it was actually only 10 minutes or so..

As the party went on, Hank checked his watch before disappearing and leaving Olivia on the dance floor, he saw how late it was and it would be impossible to get someone to take Olivia home, so he had to improvise.

When he returned, he rejoined Olivia and Scott who were dancing away with each other..

"Hey! Please can I have my date back?" he tapped Scott on the shoulder and merged his way between them..

"Hmm jealous are we? You know.. she is allowed to dance with her boss.. she works for me not you!" Scott said in a drunken slur.

"She sure does buddy.."

"Mhm.. and don't you forget it Henry!"

"Henry!" Olivia chuckled.. she knew that was his name but hearing it said out loud felt amusing.. "Ooh Henry!" She teased, and he shot her a playful glare..

"Fuck sake Scott! Look what you've started now!" Hank cursed.

"What? You mean she hasn't called you Henry in the bedroom yet?" Scott teased him back.. "Man I'm disappointed.."

"Ok I think you've had enough to drink don't you?"

"Me? Never.. I'm just getting started!" He shouted dramatically, his arms punching the air, as he started to walk away from the pair, Hank stood in disbelief at the drunken state his friend was getting into.. he watched as Scott went to join another group in the distance..

Olivia only laughed at her boss, she knew she was going to have fun with this one at work later.. he had never seen him this drunk before.. as she watched him walk away, she felt a hand snake around her waist..a simple touch sending a shiver up her spine..

"Hey.." Hank whispered in her ear.. "I think it's time we called it a night..don't you?"

"It is getting pretty late.." she agreed, she didn't want the night to end, but the way Tony left her feeling, she was ready to spend the night with Hank.. but did she have the courage to act on it?

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