Chapter 32

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"What are you planning on doing?"

"Honestly? I have no idea.." Olivia was in disbelief, this couldn't be happening.

"We can find someone for you to talk to.. if you want.."

"No.." Olivia shook her head.. "I need to process this before I even begin talking about it.."

"I take it the dad doesn't know?"

"Dad.." Olivia lets out a nervous laugh.. "No.. not a clue..not entirely sure how to tell him.."

"Sometimes unplanned pregnancies are the best.."

"You're only saying that to make me feel better.."

"I'm trying.." the nurse smiles.. handing her some booklet information.. "Read through these, it'll help you understand the first semester.. and if you need anyone to talk about it.. I'm here.."

"Thanks.. I guess.."

Olivia made her way home, totally lost within her thoughts. She was so angry at herself, it's all her fault.. now she has to explain this to Tony and what if it's not his?

How does she hide this from Hank? As soon as anyone finds out it'll be all over the press and Hank will certainly have questions.

It could be his.. it could be Tony's. It was all a big mess.

A baby? A mini her.. a mini.. Tony or Hank.. Oh how could she be so stupid. She's never thought about having kids, but when you mess around with two guys at the same time, these things can happen.

She made her way back home, and slumped down on her couch, staring at the booklets beside her, and without thinking her hand fell to her stomach, and a tear fell down to her cheek, the guilt of sleeping with Hank had never been stronger.

She couldn't stop thinking of how much this would break Tony if it turned out to be Hank's baby.. how much he would hate her.

Maybe it would be best to disappear?

Then neither Hank or Tony would know.. it would be only her and her baby. Growing up together, living a normal life.

Maybe that would be best.. Tony wouldn't get hurt, Hank would stop chasing her. She would be free, guaranteed she wouldn't be happy at the start but now she has someone else she needs to think about. It was time for her to grow up.

She was so deep in her own thoughts, she didn't hear her phone ringing..after a few tries, she finally answered it.

"Hey, how's my baby? Missing me?.." she was totally thrown into panic when Tony's voice sounded on the other end, and his choice of words.

Just the 'baby' had her heart aching.

She's sure if he finds out, he'll be super excited.. a baby Stark? Imagine that.

"Sweetheart? Are you there?" Tony spoke up again, making Olivia come back to earth and she wiped the tears away that had fell onto her cheek.

"Sorry, I'm here, how's your meeting?"

"Finally finished, we're going out for a meal with a few of them tonight, and then fly home tomorrow.."

"Oh.. that's earlier than you expected.."

"Yep! And I can't wait to see you.. I've missed you.."

"I've missed you too.."

"Are you sure you're ok? You don't sound yourself.."

"Um.." she said.. hesitant to tell him.. "I've just been feeling a bit off this week..I'm sure it'll pass.."

"Do you need anything? I can have someone bring you some food or something to make you feel better.."

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