Chapter 36

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Hank looked over the message, what did this mean?

Baby? What baby?

He sent her his reply, hoping she would explain. Is she pregnant? Could the baby be his? What if it is his, what does this mean for her? What would it mean for her relationship with Tony?

Hank was in his office, looking at the photo she sent, waiting for a reply.. he waited and waited, but nothing came. Surely she can't hide it now, he's seen the photo, he saw the message. At one point he did think this could be something from nothing, but what did it mean?

He was desperate for answers. The longer he waited, the more frustrated he got. Why wasn't she explaining? If it was nothing, she would explain?

Hank decided to call her, waiting for her to pick up, but it just rang, and rang..frustrated he sent her another text.

Are you ignoring me because you're having my baby?

He rubbed his forehead in frustration as she ignored that message too. So he sent her another one, making it a lot more calmer.. although he was growing more annoyed as time passed by.

Please just explain?

He just needed an explanation.. she can't just send a message like that without one.

His mind started to wonder on being a father.. if he is the father, they could be a family.What he wouldn't give for that to be a reality.

Olivia was feeling less happy about that, she couldn't believe she could be stupid, her friend being so close to Hank in her contact list, she hadn't realised he was selected when she sent the photo.

Furious, she couldn't bring herself in responding..not yet anyway, she couldn't decided how to explain, she didn't know if telling more lies was the correct way, or to just be open and tell Hank the truth.

Either way, it was all pretty messy.

When she pulled herself together, she realised she hadn't called Tony to come and pick her up.

Weirdly, just as she thought about him, her phone started to ring, and it was Tony and she had to take a few seconds before she answered.


"Olivia, hey babe, are you ready?"

"Oh.. uh yeah.. I'm just by the park.. I'll be waiting.."

"Good.. I'll be 10 minutes ok?"

"Yeah.. that's fine, I'll see you soon.."

She didn't have to wait too long, when Tony arrived to pick her up, he helped her with her bags, she made sure the baby ones were completely hidden form his view. Even though he didn't care what was inside them, she couldn't have him knowing as well.

As they drove back to Olivia's apartment, tony couldn't resist trying to work out if Olivia knew about Pepper, even though he was completely wrong about it.

"How was your shopping spree?"

"It was nice, I got a few things.. thank you again.." 

"You're more than welcome.." His hand, when not switching gears, he placed it on her thigh.. smiling over to her.

"So uh.. I had a chat with Miss Potts earlier.."Tony told Olivia, as he waited to see if Olivia would confirm his suspicions.


"Has she said anything to you? You know.. about anything that's going on with her?"

"Um.. no, why would she?"

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