Chapter 58

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A few weeks later, Tony and Olivia were really getting a long great, Tony was starting to feel he was getting better at being a dad, and at being a better boyfriend to Olivia. He tried so hard to make them both happy, by just showing how much he cares, he didn't buy them expensive stuff, he just wanted them to know how much he loves them both. It took a lot for him to start trusting Olivia, but he was finally starting to push any doubt the back of his mind, the better they got a long together, the better things were turning out. He started to feel like they were a proper family. Just him, Olivia and Joseph. The three of them.

"So what's happening this weekend?" Pepper asks Tony as they sit in the office together.. "What are your plans for the 4th?"

"I was thinking of taking them to a county fair or something.. get out of the city for a while.."

"That sounds good, I'm sure Joseph will enjoy that.."

"Yeah.. he's coming on great isn't he? He started laughing the other day, like properly.. not just windy smiles.."

"I know Tony, you have the videos on your phone, you have shown them to me at least 10 times.."

"Sorry.. I just like to show off my boy.. I'm pretty sure I can get him to say dada soon.."

"If he's anything like you.. I'm sure he'll have a full conversation by the time he hits his first birthday.." Pepper laughs.. "We've got that meeting at 1pm and then you can go home.."

"Thanks Pep.. Olivia is going out tonight with a friend so I've got Joseph all to myself.."

"A friend? A friend like who?"

"I don't know some friend from Boston.. she's coming to visit and wants to have a catch up.."

"Right.. and you believe that?" Pepper questions, and yes she still has her doubts Olivia, she doesn't trust her or Hank..but for Tony's sake, she's gotta accept it. She's gotta learn to trust them until her doubts are proven right. .

"Yeah.. I guess so.. we've been getting on really great and she's not given me any reason to believe she's seeing him again, I'm sure she would have if she was.."

"Mmm.. just be careful okay Tony? I don't wanna see you get hurt.."

"I'm a big boy Pep.. I can look after myself.."

"I'm sure you can.. I just mean it like.. she's hurt you before, I'd hate for you to fall under her spell again.. and for her to get whatever she wants.. she doesn't deserve you.."

"Miss Potts..please.." Tony sighs, turning around in his office chair to face out the window.. his hand meets his forehead as he rubs it in frustration... "Whatever happens, I've just gotta deal with it, I love Olivia, and I'm pretty sure she feels the same, otherwise why would she be trying so hard to make it work? If she really wanted Hank, she would have chose him.. instead of me.."

"I know, I'm sorry Mr Stark.." she quickly apologies realising she may have spoken a little too harshly about the woman Tony claims to love.

"You're free to go Pep.. I think we'll cancel that meeting later.. I'm gonna make my way home, just wanna spend some time with my family.."

"Oh.. okay.. but what about the business.."

"Forget it, I'll apologise, send them flowers I don't care right now, just cancel it and rearrange for another time, got it?"

"Yes Mr Stark.. I'll see you later then.." Pepper picks up here files, and bag before heading out of Tony's office.. leaving him alone with his thoughts for a while.. he turns back in his chair to his desk, and picks up the photo he has next to his computer screen.. a photo of Olivia and Joseph sat together in his office, Olivia smiling as she holds Joseph in her arms.. a photo Tony took himself.. a one so precious to him.

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