Chapter 27

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HP- Olivia.. don't.. don't make your choice yet.. give me a chance.

Tony read over the messages again. He was caught in the moment. Caught between deleting the messages so Olivia would never see them.. Replying to them, as if they were from Olivia.. or waking up and confronting Olivia.

And then another came through.. Tony sighed as he read it over.

HP- come on babe.. don't ignore me.. I know you're reading the messages but why aren't you replying?

HP- Please just.. call me. We need to talk.

Tony sighed, locking her phone and placed her phone back down on the table before settling back down, his head resting against the pillow behind him, he turned on his side away from Olivia, thinking about those messages.. and before he knew it he eventually drifted into a sleep.

Olivia woke up to sunlight beaming through the windows, clear blue skies as the rain from the night had cleared. For the first time in a long time, she woke up feeling happy, relaxed almost as memories of the night with Tony came flooding back to her.

She turned on her side to see Tony lay with his back to her still naked from the night before, one arm was tucked away under his pillow.. she shifted slightly and placed a small kiss to the back of his neck, causing him to stir a little.

"Morning handsome.." she whispered in his ear as he peaked an eye open..

"Mmm.. what time is it?" He asked sleepily.. his voice so soft.

"Almost 10.. we have to check out at 11.." she told him, and she couldn't stop herself from placing a soft kiss on his lips.. Tony caved immediately and kissed her back, fighting for dominance, he pulled her on top of him.. his hands holding onto her waist..

"I need to shower.." she whispered against his mouth as she pulled away for air.

"Strange that.. so do I..let's share water.."

"As much as I'd love to.. we only have.." Olivia quickly leans over to check the time on her phone.. "50 minutes now.. to get packed up and checked out.."

"Fine.. but when we get home.. you owe me!"

"Whatever you say Stark.." she kissed him again but rolling off him, she stood up from the bed and picked up her phone. Tony swallowed nervously hard as he watched her, as he remembered the texts from Hank.

"Looks like the photo is up of us from the photographer.. my family group chat is going bananas.."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah.. my mom clearly being the main one.. she's going crazy over you.."

"Is that a good thing?"

"It can be.. just as long as we see very little of her.." Olivia let out a small laugh. She didn't mind seeing her mom on the odd occasions if she's sober.

Tony swung his legs over off the bed, so he can sit up. Olivia looked down at him away from her phone for a moment, and she could feel her heart beating slightly faster when she caught those brown eyes beaming back at her. She dropped her phone down on the bed, carefully placing her hands around his neck, playing with the hair at the bottom..

"What?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes.


"What about me?"

"You are amazing.. and no one gets to see this.. the real you..I'm feeling incredibly lucky right now.."

"Yeah.. I know.." he smirked.

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