Chapter 29

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Sat glancing at Olivia's number in his phone, Tony was debating with himself whether to call first or just go and surprise her, after what felt like a really long time to be sat in a unknown street on his own, he finally decided to go and surprise her, and making sure he didn't forget the flowers, he straightened out his jacket and made his way to Olivia's apartment.

It had only been a few hours, but he was feeling nervously excited to see her. As he made his way passed each apartment, taking in every number he saw until he finally reached her door, he hesitated to open it and walk straight in, but like a gentleman, he waited, and gave a little knock. He didn't call so she obviously wasn't expecting him.. he waited a little longer before knocking again. It had crossed his mind she could be asleep and maybe it was best to call..they did have a late night.. but just then the door started to open.. Tony stood up straight, proud as punch, with his bouquet of flowers.

As the door began to open fully, Tony bit his lip nervously as he waited to see Olivia appear in front of him.

"Tony!" Olivia sounded surprised to see him.

"Hey babe.." Tony greeted her.. "These are for you.."

"What are you doing here.. oh my.. these are gorgeous!" Olivia admired the flowers, taking them from Tony's hands.. "but why?" She asked. What did she do to deserve this?

"Does there need to be a reason to buy you flowers?"

"No.. but.. usually it's only if you're in the dog house.. or if it's my birthday or something.."

"Oh.. right.. well.. um.." Tony ran a hand through his hair, with a nervous laugh.. "I just thought it would be nice.."

"And it is.. thank you honey.. I love them.." she placed a small kiss on his cheek, before turning on her heel to go back inside her apartment.. "I need to put them in some water.. come in.."

Olivia walked straight into the kitchen, getting a glass for the flowers, she noticed a card in the bouquet.. she took it out to read.. it was small, simple and cute, who knew Tony Stark had this romantic side to him.

All my love,

Tony slowly followed her into the kitchen, watching as she put the flowers on the table next him.

"There we go.. those are perfect.." Olivia whispered as she placed them down..Tony shot her a smile before taking a step closer to her, she felt his arms snake around her waist, and he rested his chin on her shoulder..

"Mmm perfect.. just like you.." he whispered as Olivia placed her hands over his.. Tony rocked them gently.. holding her close.. "I missed you baby.."

"Oh you did? How much?"

"Um.. why don't I show you?" He whispered again.. placing a kiss on her cheek.

"As much as I'd love to.. I believe you promised me a date, and I need to get dressed.."

"It can wait.." Tony smirked against her neck.

"Nope.. we're going to have a nice, normal date.. so no sex.."

"What? At all?"  Tony frowned.. "I know I'm not used to dating but even I know that's not normally how dates go.."

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