Chapter 52

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It was Tony's first night alone with Joseph, he didn't like it, but he knew he had to think of ways to win Olivia back.. and proving he can manage with their son was a good way to start.

After leaving Pepper at the office, Tony made his way home with Joseph. His thoughts still going over what Christine had told him. He wasn't the person he thought he was.. or even used to be... and he wanted to show Olivia that.

"Hey little man.." Tony whispers down to Joseph who was sat in his little bouncy chair.. "A night in with Dad sound fun?"

Tony kneeled down to Joseph's chair, and gave him a little kiss to the head..before he reached for Tony's little finger.. gripping it tightly..

"Oh wow.. you get that from mommy.. clearly.." Tony chuckles before standing back up.. "Well get you a bottle, and then Daddy is going to do some work, so you can help with that.. does that sound like fun?" All Tony got in response was a few baby noises, which made him smile a little.

"Yeah that sounds like fun.." Tony answered himself.. "Let's go.." Tony made his way down to the work shop with a fresh bottle for Joseph. After feeding him he took a photo of Joseph next to one of his latest designs...

"Look at that.. that's the future of Stark Industries right there..You and me, we'll make a good team son..." Tony smiles at Joseph as he picks up a tool.. "You'll be taking over from me before I know it.." he quickly locked his phone and started to work away, with keeping an extra eye on his son who just continued to make his little baby noises... Tony knew he was alright, he was content, with no crying.. Tony realised.. he was good at this parenting thing.. and he liked it..

Back at Hank's place, Olivia lay in his bed, again just like before her head rests against the pillow. She watched as Hank stood up and made his way into the bathroom.

"I needed that.. I tell ya.." Hank shouts back to her.. "A good ol' fuck with the woman you love after a stressful day at work.. every man's dream.." she watched as he soon walked back out and climbed into bed beside her.. he began placing kisses along and up her arm.. sending a shiver across her body..

"You alright?" He asks, noticing her silence as she lay with her eyes closed..

"Mhm.." she says with a small nod as she glances in Hank's direction.

"Good..because I wouldn't want you feeling unsatisfied.." he smirks against her skin.. "If you were.. we could always go again.."

"I'm fine.. I think I'm just a little tired.. I'm not used to staying up this late.."

"Mmm.. yeah.. you know I've been thinking.." Hank tells her as he falls back onto his own pillow.. "We should go away.."

"Away?" Olivia turns her head to look at him.. just as he looks back with a smirk.. "What?"

"Yeah.." he shrugs.. "Just us.. give us time to catch up properly.. you know.." he raises his eyebrows seductively.. "It's been a long time hasn't it?"

" a holiday? Just the two of us?"

"Yeah?" Hank repeats.. "Doesn't sound too bad does it?"

"Are you insane?" She laughs.. "I can't just go on holiday with you to have sex!"

"Why not?" Hank frowned, he was lost, he thought it was a great idea.. totally not on the same page as Olivia.. "I thought this was what you wanted? Us back together? Like how we always wanted it to be?"

"Yeah.. but maybe.. I don't know, you seem to be forgetting one teeny tiny little thing, Hank.."

"And what's that?"

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