Chapter 1

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(Go read Sundayofthedead story Damaged and Dangerous)

Alone. I've been alone for... days, months, years? I don't even know anymore. I lost track. I haven't tried to join a group. It's always been hard for me to trust, and the apocalypse doesn't seem like the best place to start. I stay in the woods, mostly in trees. I hunt squirrels and drink from streams. All I have is my crossbow, my moms knife, and my small bag with my few belongings.

My brother, Daryl, taught me to hunt and track before shit hit the fan. I was never as good as him, but now it could be argued. I've been looking for my brothers Daryl and Merle forever. In the beginning Daryl was out on a hunt and Merle... Well, Merle was being Merle. I was alone in the house, but then I heard the door open then slam shut.

"ENID! Get your fucking good for nothing ass down here!" Oh shit. My dad was back. I quickly hid. I heard my dad's footsteps getting closer to the closet when I heard his screams. I opened the door and saw one of those things eating him. I quickly grabbed my crossbow and shot the bastard through the head like the news had said to do. It fell over limp. I walked over to my dad who was coughing up blood.

"Help me." He wheezed.

"No." I said with no emotion what so ever. I hated him. He has always hurt me and my brothers and now he can suffer. I quickly grabbed a duffel bag and filled it with all of our canned foods, waters, water bottles, medical supplies, and I grabbed my dads pistol and extra ammo. I put my crossbow over my shoulder with all of my arrows, and made sure my knife was secure on my belt. Then I ran outside looking for Daryl, and still am to this day.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard leaves rustling. I looked down from the tree I was in and saw a girl about my age carrying a doll running. All of a sudden a thing came out of the trees and started chasing her. I jumped down and ran after her. The thing pinned her down, and I could tell she was struggling. I shot the damn bitch and pushed it off of the girl. How stupid could she be? This is the apocalypse. It's no place to be weak.

"What's wrong with you! Don't you know how to kill one of em'!" I sounded rude, but that girl could've killed herself or me. She shook her head.

"Unbelievable. How have you lasted this long then?" I questioned. She didn't talk for a while. Finally, she spoke as softly as a mouse.

"I have a group." I then felt bad for yelling at her. She was a poor child. Her group probably refused to teach her how to survive. But Dixons don't show emotion.

"Are you okay?" I said in a softer voice. She nodded her head.

"What's your name?" She looked up at me with her big sad brown eyes.


"Well Sophia, I'm Enid. Enid Dixon. Would you like to stay with me till we find your group?"

Her eyes grew wide. "You'd help me?"

"Yes. Now c'mon lets go."

She followed after me. After a few a minutes of awkward silence I finally broke it.

"So. Where's the last place you were with your group."

"Well, we were stopped at a highway when a herd came through. We hid under the cars. I started getting out, but there were two more that were slower so they came after me."

That explains how she got separated. But now we have to find the highway. I stopped walking and climbed a tree. I couldn't see the highway in any direction. I jumped down and we decided to try and retrace Sophia's steps. We ended up at a small pond.

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