Chapter 24

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I remember hearing screams, but then my own. When the pain subsided I whispered.

"Please don't be a dream."

But that's it. Now all I see is black. No dream just blackness. Then I saw everyone walking out of the darkness in  white. They circled me and held out knives. Andrea was the first to say "You did this." Then stabbed herself. Everyone else did as well. I screamed at them to stop then Michonne, Rick, and Carl were left. I ran for them but Rick and Michonne held hands and stabbed themselves saying "Why?"  I tackled Carl and he kept trying to stab himself.

"STOP IT!" I yelled at him pulling the knife away.

"Your fault." Carl whispered and grabbed my knife and brought it to his chest and sunk it.

I cried as I held his body. Then I saw his eyes open. But his once beautiful blue eyes were now a sickly pale yellow. I reached for my knife but all of my weapons started melting. Then I turned and saw the rest of my family as walkers. Coming towards me. I pushed Carl off and ran. But I felt arms hold me down. I turned to see the governor pushing me to the walkers. I punched and scratched but he didn't let go then I felt my shoulder get bit. Everywhere more walkers of everyone I knew or loved stood there biting into me tearing my flesh.

"Enid? What's happening to her Hershel?" I heard a voice say. Then I shot up falling to the floor.

"Enid! Are you okay?" I heard Carl's voice full of concern.

"Carl? Carl!" I jumped into his arms hugging him as I sobbed, as painful as it was, hugging him made me feel safe.

"Enid. Shh. It's okay." Carl whispered in my ear. I pulled back a little and looked at the cell. There was blood all over the floor and bed.

"Was that all from me?" I gasped.

"Yeah. You're hurt pretty bad." Hershel said standing.

"Where's Daryl?" I asked looking around.

"He's in the Cellblock main area. Enid he blames himself for this. He thinks he caused this." Carl said stopping me from leaving.

"Cause he did." I said and pushed Carl aside and started walking out. I saw Daryl cleaning his arrows very aggressively.

"Darlina?" I approached him slowly my ribs still on fire. Everyone watched me, happy I was awake.

"Enid! Oh god. You're alright." Daryl went to hug me but I put my hand out stopping him.

"Daryl. Gentle." I said and hugged him softy to avoid anymore pain.

"Enid I'm so-" Daryl started.


"What?" Daryl asked shocked.

"Sorry means nothing to me. Just because I love you and I'm glad you're alive. Doesn't mean I'm not mad at you. I mean you abandoned me!  How could you do that? I trusted you! You promised you'd never leave me!" I yelled at him remembering our talk at the farm.

"Daryl. You have no idea how much I've missed you." I said happy that my brother was alive.

"I've missed you more. And I'll never leave you again. I'll always protect you." Daryl said hugging me.

"Dixon swear?" I asked putting out my middle finger.

"Dixon swear." He said hooking his middle finger with mine. Like a pinky swear.

"Enid. I-" Daryl stopped not knowing what to say.

"Don't. Daryl it's gonna take a lot more than sorry to fix this one." I said and stormed off. I grabbed my crossbow from the table it was on and walked to another Cellblock.

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