Chapter 34

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The small girl started to stir when the bright sun burned her eyelids. Her eyes fluttered open and her mind was foggy as was the air. Confusion filled her mind once she noticed she was outside. She tried to sit up since she was too asleep to notice the shaggy haired boy holding her. Enid blushes madly, even though no one else was around. Slowly, the blush disappeared as memories from the day prior started to fill her head. As if Carl noticed the disturbance in his slumber he pulled Enid closer. She didn't struggle. She just laid back down next to the boy she had dreamed about when she was captured by the Governor. The poor girl subconsciously slapped herself because the memory immediately made her mood turn sour. All she had wanted for so long was Carl. And here he was. Holding her. But it hadn't been till after those terrible events. What if he only did it because he felt bad? What if he didn't feel the same way towards her? What if everything he had said before was a lie to get her to calm down?

Enid's mind began to race and her face filled with worry and doubt. Enid didn't cry. She had cried too much over the past few weeks. She was done being weak. She was done being someone everybody felt bad for. But that was easier said that done. You couldn't just erase memories.

Carl soon started to stir. His face scrunching up at the sunlight. Enid, not wanting to cause something awkward, pretended to sleep.

Carl's eyes snapped open the moment he realized where he was. He looked down at the beautiful girl in his arms and repositioned himself. His body was now turned to face Enid and their faces were inches apart. Enid's face worried Carl. He knew she was awake, but why was she pretending to be asleep? And why did she seem so worried herself? Carl had spent the last year of knowing Enid trying to figure her out. He wasn't as skilled as Daryl but he was getting there. He senses something was off. And not just about the Governor and those men. He knew Enid. And she would be okay. Carl studied her for a few more minutes and decided to try out his theory.

Carl slowly moved his arm away from Enid so it wasn't holding onto her. A flash of hurt spread across Enid's face and Carl knew he was right. He placed his hand back on Enid and held her closer. He noticed Enid's cheeks turn the slightest of pink. His hands moved down to her waist and she shivered. The shiver was so small you wouldn't have noticed it if you weren't looking for it. Carl smirked at this and decided he needed to do something so Enid knew his feelings were returned. Carl never had the balls to say anything to her. It was only when she was asleep he talked to her openly. Now he had to grow a pair. The boy with shaggy hair pretended the pretty girl was asleep and started opening up his heart. His words were careful. As if he was performing heart surgery and one wrong move would slice the heart in half.

"Enid. I know you're 'asleep' but I. I can't-" Carl pauses for a second and Enid's mind started to race. 'Can't what? Can't do this?'

"Enid. I can't explain my feelings for you in a rational way. If mental hospitals still existed someone would throw me in and never let me out because that's how crazy I am for you. When I look at you its like nothing else matters and the world is perfect. I forget, even for one second, that the world has gone to shit. I forget my worries. I forget my mistakes. And I forget my regrets. Your beauty isn't even the best part about you though. No. It's gets better. Your so intelligent it drives me mad. I don't know how you know half the stuff you do but I don't question it. Your survival skills are insane, I'd be surprised if a squirrel ever got away from you. And the best of all you're strong. So strong. That you don't even see how strong you are. Weak is not in your vocabulary. You're so strong it would make therapists psycho. All these words I used to describe you are all around the lines of crazy because that's just what you are. Crazy, mad, mental, insane. It's all there. You're crazy insane, but I'm mentally mad. Together we make this force. I can't describe it but it feels so right. I love it and I love. I love you Enid Dixon. And I know you're awake right now." Carl's mini speech ended and Enid popped one eye open staring at Carl.

"You know. If you keep spilling your heart out to me every damn time you see me you're gonna run out of material real fast." Enid smirked. Carl expected nothing less except sass and was happy that it was.

"Well. Who says we're gonna be taking?" Carl smirked at her and her face went from shock to amusement to blushing all over again.

"You're definitely the mad one Grimes. And I love it. And I love you too." Enid's voice was barely above a whisper but Carl heard her loud and clear. Both of the teens hearts started to race. Carl was the first to lean in and Enid soon followed. Carl looked into her eyes then back down to her lips and was right about to kiss the lips he loved and yearned for when a voice rang out through the little clearing outside and made them froze.

Carl leaned away from her and both their eyes fell to the ground in awkwardness. But the awkwardness didn't last long because someone was yelling and their attention switched to that.

The voices belonged to no other than Johnny and Lincoln.

Authors Note
Hey survivors! Here's another chapter for y'all. I was very productive last night and wrote 3 other chapters. So I'm prepared for updating during the week. Remember to vote and comment! More votes/reads=faster updates.

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