Chapter 12

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I woke up for once. With a smile on my face. The memory of T teaching me to drive was amazing. I had gotten good too even for a 13 year old. Today the group and Hershel were going back out. I'm kind of glad I'm staying back. I haven't had time to relax in such a long time. I walked downstairs and saw the boys checking out all there new gear. Carl was trying on a riot gear helmet, but Rick took it and said something to him. I ignored it and went over to Daryl.

"Darlina. Please be careful. Don't die on me." I said to him.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. Ain't nothing can kill a Dixon, 'cept a Dixon. Enita." He smirked.

"Daryl!" I whined. "Don't call me that!"

He ruffled my hair and walked back over to Rick. Rick handed the keys to Carl and they left.

"Enita Huh?" Carl said smiling.

"Oh shut up. It's one of my nicknames from Daryl." I said.

"One of em? Now I'm very intrigued. Go on." Carl laughed.

"Well there's Enita, Mini me, Flippers, Badass Bower, or BB, umm... oh yeah and Hawkeye."

"That's a long list." Carl pointed out.

"Yeah Daryl has a way with names."

"Okay. I get some of em. But why the others?"

"That's for me to keep a secret, and for you to figure out."

"Fine." Carl mumbled. Wow. He was a little mood swinger.

"I'm gonna go clean up a bit." I said.

"Okay. I'll be here. Thinking." Carl said not moving.

I walked up the stairs and went down to my cell. I picked up all of the old paper and trash from the floor and threw it out of my cell. I'd take care of it later. I took out the scarf from my bag and wiped down the shelf. I put the small stack of books, my sketchbook on it along with my weapons. I shook the scarf out and put it down. My bag still had most of my stuff in it, so I stuffed it under my bed. My cell looked pretty decent, except from the blood on the walls. I grabbed my scarf and again slid down the railing.

"Hey Carol?" I called out.

"In here!" I heard her yell from her and Loris cell.

"I wanted to give this to you." I said handing her the scarf.

"Oh sweetie. Thank you." She said giving me a hug. I saw Lori looking down a little upset. Then I remembered something.

"How could I forget! One sec." I said. I ran back up the stairs and into my cell. I rummaged through my bag.

"Where is it." I mumbled. "A ha! Found it!" I said holding up the silver necklace with a heart locket and wedding ring on it. I ran back to the railing sliding down though this time fell at the end with a thud. Carl looked at me and laughed and went back to doing whatever. I ran to where Loris cell was and walked in.

"Lori. That night on the farm I went back inside and grabbed my bags. I guess it had fallen off and into the bag I grabbed cause when I looked through it I saw it. I knew it belonged to you so I kept it. I forgot about till now." I said handing her the necklace.

"Enid! Oh my god!! Thank you!! Thank you so much!" Lori thanked me a million times pulling me in for a hug and crying. Then I heard Rick yelling.

"Carl! Open up! It's Hershel!" Carl ran to open to the door and they brought Hershel in on a makeshift gurney and he was missing his leg.

"What happened!" I yelled.

"He was bit. Get him on the bed." We picked him up and set him on the bed.

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