Chapter 38

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Enid woke up a few days later in her cell. She stood up slowly and stretched. As she walked out of the door she bumped into Carl. She smiled up at him and he smiled right back.

"Want to get some breakfast?" Carl said as he grabbed Enid's hand and pulled her along.

"Definitely. I'm starving." Enid replied as the two strolled down the stairs to the little box with granola bars.

They each chose one and walked outside. But when they did they saw all the adults gathered around a truck.

"What's up?" Carl questioned his dad.

"We need some more supplies to fix up the prison. Not to mention more food. So I'm sending out a few supply runs to a few different locations. Nothing to risky." Rick explained to his son.

"I want to come." Enid demanded.

"No. You have already been hurt enough. I don't need you getting hurt again." Daryl scolded.

"Daryl I'll be fine. Just send me on the easiest one," Enid explained and looked down at the paper of places they planned to go to, "Send me to Joe&Jay's Warehoure. It's close, and plus there's fences all around it." Enid looked at Daryl almost begging.

"Fine. But I'm going with you." Daryl stated, Enid smiled and hugged him. Daryl was shocked but quickly hugged her back.

"I'm going too." Carl said, interrupting the moment.

"Carl." Rick warned.

"'C'mon dad. Daryl's gonna be there."

"Fine." Rick gave in and stared going over the plan. Rick and Michonne would lead a small group to the Home Depot twenty miles away to fix up the gate. Carol and Daryl would go to the warehouse with another small group. And then Glenn and Maggie would lead a bigger group to the outlets on the outskirts of town to gather clothes and such for everyone.

They had to leave in an hour so Enid ran back to her cell and got ready. She wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a gray tank top, combat boots, and a flannel. She grabbed her crossbow, her knife, and a small handgun.


Once everyone was in there designated vehicles they were off. Carl and Enid sat in the back of a mini van with Carol driving, some woman named Karen next to her, Sasha and Tyreese sat behind them, another row held a few more people, then there was Daryl on his motorcycle. 

It took 20 minutes to get there and Enid was the first to jump out. Everyone else followed suit and each grabbed a duffel bag.

"Okay. We go in and get out as fast as we can. And get as much as we can. If you see something yell don't shoot. 'Cause if there's a herd passing by. We are dead. We will travel in pairs or threes. Let's go." Daryl ordered and everyone walked up to the building.

Carol knocked on the glass loudly and they waited for ten minutes till only one walked came up. Daryl took it out and they went in.

"Carl and Enid you two stay close to the  exits. The rest of us will spread out." Carol said.

Everyone began looking and were quickly filling up their bags.

"So," Carl started, "How's your day going?"

"Pretty good I guess? Especially considering I'm stuck with you, you weirdo." Enid joked causing Carl to fake gasp.

"How dare you? I am just special."

"Very." Enid mumbled.

"I heard that." Carl glared at the beautiful girl standing next to him.

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