Chapter 29

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My eyelids were closed and I felt lifeless. Was I dead? That question was soon answered due to a giant burning sensation in my side. Suddenly, I heard a loud scream. Then I realized it came from my mouth. The pain flowed through my whole body and I kept screaming and twitching. A pair of hands slipped my arms out of my jacket and started to hold me down and I thrashed even more. I heard mumbled yelling, but couldn't make it out. I focused on the voices till I heard Hershel.

"Enid! You need to stay still!"

I forced my eyelids opened and saw the horrific scene in front of me. Michonne held me down as Hershel and a man I've never seen before were pulling out glass from my side. Blood kept spilling all over the face. I sucked in a deep breath and tried to hold in my cries. But as Hershel tried to hold down my legs and the man started to thread stitches I couldn't help it. The screams were probably attracting more walkers. I took my shirt and chewed on it to try and stifle my screams.

A few minutes later they finished and wrapped my torso. The wrap was spotted with blood and my side had a large throb. I saw the man, Dr. S I had heard Hershel call him, setting up an IV and Daryl was outside the cell talking to Michonne. After hearing the words "She'll pull through" I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Carl's POV

Apparently I drifted off on Beth since the next thing I knew I was waking up in my bed at 5:05 pm. The events from the day flooded back into my mind. I rubbed my eyes and thought one thing. Enid! Was she okay? Was she awake? I jumped out of bed, tying up my laces of my shoes that Beth or my dad must've taken off of me. My feet boomed down the stairs. I was surprised no one jumped. But then I noticed no one was in the Cellblock. I shook it off and ran towards the cell I left Enid in. I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed she was laying down in only her ripped up belly shirt and jeans.

My eyes started to water at the sight of her blood soaked wrap. I mulled over to go in or not. I decided to go in. I sat on the floor next to her and just waited. I watched her chest go up and down. Making sure she kept breathing. Dr. S had a giant kit of supplies that he used to help Enid. He even had IVs and a pole to hang it up on. She had two. One with blood from I guessing Daryl. And the second was water and medicine. It was like when I got shot. As I sat down in the empty cell with Enid it brought me back to when my mother had just died. Enid was so nice and kind to me and I kept being an asshole for no reason. All the painful memories came back to me and I stood up. I shook my hands and feet trying to shake it off if I could.

I turned and saw Enid's mouth part open slightly and suck in a small breath, then it closed and she breathed out her nose. I don't know why she did this. I ignored it and sat down I watch her. She was so beautiful and fragile. I felt like I had to protect her from everything. I knew I didn't have to, but I wanted to. After fifteen minutes I noticed her lips were very dry. She'll probably be thirty when she wakes up. I slowly get up and stretch a little bit. I walk out and go to my dads cell where there was a bunch of water bottles. I grabbed two just in case and walked out.

Before I made it past the first cell though, I ran back upstairs into Enid's cell. I went through her bag grabbing a random clean shirt. I checked it to make sure it wasn't tight so it wouldn't hurt Enid's side and ran back downstairs.

When I reached the cell, Enid wasn't there. I panicked and looked in the cells next to the one I was in to make sure I was in the right one. My feet dragged me to the mini cafe and there stood Enid holding onto the pole for dear life, shuffling along. I sighed and walked over to her.

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