Chapter 28

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Carl's POV

I woke up at around 6:25am to the sound of gun shots. I jumped out of my bed pulling on a pair of jeans and grabbing a flannel as I ran out of my cell. I was hopping out my cell trying to zip my jeans and as soon as my pants were up I threw on my flannel rushing down the stairs. I buttoned them up as I saw my dad handing Judy to Beth. We ran out and everyone else came out of their cells and followed.

We ran through the halls meeting Maggie and Glenn at the door.

"What was that?" My dad asked warily. He cracked open the door peering out to check for anyone else outside.

"We don't know. All the Woodbury citizens are accounted for." Glenn said rushing through his words as he held onto Maggie's arm.

"Okay. Everyone, heads down and watch each other's backs." My dad whispered and opened the door.

We all walked out slowly. I sped up a little, ready to kill whoever wanted to hurt my family. But when we turned the corner all we saw was Enid standing in the middle of a bunch of dead walkers. There was still one left and she was tackled by it. My eyes bulged out from their sockets and I screamed her name, but I stayed frozen, unable to reach her. My dad, Maggie, and Glenn started running towards her. My dad pulled his gun out to shoot it, but it was too late.

Enid had gotten the knife on the walkers belt and stabbed it in the head skillfully. Everyone else stopped and stared at her as she stood up covered in blood. All the Woodbury citizens hugged their children and some cried. I looked at Enid and a surge of happiness flowed through me.

And don't get me wrong. She looked badass. I saw her mumble something as she looked around herself. Enid couldn't tell that she was absolutely gorgeous. Her hair was ripped out I'm guessing since it was flowing freely in the wind, and she was wearing a belly shirt that showed off her tight stomach. Even though she was covered in blood she looked hot. It might've even helped since she looked even more badass with a leather jacket. I could hear murmurs around me about her. But I didn't pay attention to them. Except for a couple of guys calling her hot. I glared at them and started jogging towards her.

My dad, Glenn, and Maggie were already there as I stopped in front of the circle of dead bodies. Enid looked straight at me and her eyes twinkled. I was really falling for this girl. But, as she stepped towards me, she literally fell. I caught her right before she hit the ground.

"Enid. Are you okay?!" I practically yelled. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she momentarily blacked out. I scanned her body and noticed a sharp piece of metal and glass sticking out from her side. Blood was gushing out. It was covered by her jacket so only I could see it. "She's bleeding bad. There's like metal in her."

My dads eyes went big and immediately went into overdrive. "Okay. Maggie go tell your dad to get ready for surgery and get Daryl and anyone else available to help me and Glenn with the gate. We need to get this place ready in case more walkers come. Carl? I need you to carry Enid up to Hershel. Can you do that?"

I nodded quickly and stood up.  "It's okay. Enid. It's okay." I cooed in her ear.

"It hurts." She whimpered.  And her eyes closed.

"Enid. Don't close your eyes. Come on. Just look at me." I kept repeating myself as she struggled to keep her eyes opened. I ran as fast as I could while carrying her. She wasn't heavy, but she wasn't exactly two pounds with all her muscle.

"Your eyes are so pretty. I could stare at them all day long." Enid whispered as she blinked slowly.

I ran even faster, pushing Woodbury people out of my way.

"Wait!" I heard a voice yell from the crowd. "I can help. I'm a doctor!" The man said coming towards me. Maggie looked from Enid to me then back to the man.

"Okay. Carl, take him and Enid to my dad and I'll get more people to help with the gate." Maggie said holding my shoulders. I nodded at her and motioned for the man to follow me. As we ran inside I could hear Maggie behind me yelling at the Woodbury citizens.

My feet slapped the cement as I winded through the hallways of the prison. I finally made it to Cellblock C and found Hershel, Beth, and Michonne sitting in the mini cafe.

"Hershel. It's Enid. She's loosing a lot of blood." I said fast as I gasped for air.
Hershel looked up at me and started barking orders.

Third Person

"Carl. Lay her down in one of the cells. Beth get me anything you can find. Michonne I'm gonna need your help to hold her down. If she's awake this is gonna hurt. Excuse me. Who are you?" Hershel asked the other man in a more polite tone.

"I'm Dr. S. I can help. I've seen this before at Woodbury. My tools are in my cell. I'll be right back." Dr. S said. Hershel nodded at him and went to Enid.

"Carl. I'm gonna need you to step out for this." Hershel said calmly. The boy, Carl, looked from Enid to Hershel and back to Enid. The beautiful girl that he was starting to love was dying. And he couldn't do anything. Carl felt so defeated. He walked out and saw Dr. S run in to help save his- his friend. Enid was nothing more than a friend. And that killed Carl even more. His feet dragged as he walked out to the mini cafe and sat with his head down.

Soon, Beth joined him.

"She'll be alright. Enid's strong." Beth whispered in his ear hugging him. A few seconds later Enid's screams filled the air. Carl tried to get up, but Beth held him back. He slumped down into Beth's arms and she started to sing Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift to help calm Carl.

"Don't you ever grow up. Just stay this little." Beth sang and held Carl's head to try and help block out the screams.

It was midday now. And all anyone heard in the prison was Enid's high pitched screams full of pain, and Beth's beautiful singing. Carl tried to pay attention to Beth. But one thing was louder than the other. And let's just say. It was loud for all the wrong reasons.

Authors note

Hey guys! New chapter. How do you guys like the new cover? Please leave your comments/suggestions for me. Feel free to comment anything. Questions, answers, or jokes. I love it when I see a comment from you guys! Thanks for reading and share with your friends! <3

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