Chapter 7

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Hundreds of walkers were coming our way.

I screamed "RUN!" And they saw the walkers coming. We ran towards the barn closing the door. I started to spread gasoline on the floor. Rick understood and did the same. I climbed up the ladder as he opened the door leading the walkers in. Then I dropped the lighter. We went out on the roof and I saw the RV driving up.

"Over here!!" Rick called. We all jumped down and saw Jimmy being eaten. We ran towards the house and saw Hershel. I ran inside grabbed all of my bags and ran outside. They left! I saw Andrea running away. I was fast so I caught up to her. She looked at me and smiled.

We've been running for hours. I was so tired. I didn't waste any of my arrows or bullets. Knowing the sound would just attract more. I tripped and fell. Andrea was pulled down by a walker. I pulled out my knife and started to get up. But I fell right over. My ankle must've twisted when I fell. All of a sudden a women with walkers on chains cut off the walkers head. Then I blacked out.


My eyes slowly opened. I looked up and Andrea was carrying me. I looked around and saw we were walking in the middle of a herd. My eyes shot up to hers in panic. She slightly shushed me and kept going. After about an hour the herd drifted apart. There were only a few stragglers left. The women with walkers quietly took them out. Andrea placed me down and fell exhausted.

"Who the hell are you?" I looked at the mysterious women.

"Michonne." She said.

"Well. Thank you Michonne." She didn't answer just kept walking. I sat up and tried walking. I winced. Andrea came up and put her arms around me and helped me walk.

"What's up with her and the walkers?"

"Looks like they camouflage us." Andrea replied answering my question. Well looks like walkers can be heroes.

We walked up to a small house and Andrea demanded me to wait while they cleared it. I sat outside thinking about Daryl. Hell, I was thinking about everyone and everything. Michonne came out and told me it was all clear. I walked in placing my bag down. I walked to the bathroom raiding the cabinets. In one was a first aid kit. I hobbled downstairs and cleaned my cuts and wrapped my ankle. I had to force Andrea to let me clean out the nasty knife wound she had on her cheek. Michonne tied up the walkers outside and Andrea was trying to scavenge some food. I had nothing to do. I looked in my bag and found my sketch book. I remembered Carl's fave after our mud fight and started to draw it. I shades in his and hat perfectly. His nose was a little weird, but hey I'm not a professional. After drawing a walker, Andrea and Michonne. Michonne walked in.

"I'll take first watch." She said then walked out. I looked at Andrea. She seemed to trust her so I went along.

At around 4:00am Andrea woke me up for my turn on watch. I got up and went to the porch with my knife and bow. I scanned the woods looking for any signs danger was near. But no movement came from the tree line. Not even wind. I stood up and started stretching. My split wasn't as good as it used to be and it was hurting my ankle. I used to be very flexible and could do some tricks. My best friend taught me. She did cheer and was always asking me to join, but I always turned it down. Not because I didn't want to, but I knew my dad would get upset with me asking. Saying I'm an ungrateful bitch that needed to be taught a lesson. And if I was lucky Daryl would show up in my room and take the beating. But I wasn't a very lucky person. I heard a snap and shot up my bow already loaded. I pointed it towards the noise and out came a little bunny. I smiled and shot it. I walked down to revive my trophy. I sat down on the stairs and skinned it, getting it ready to be eaten. As I finished I saw the sun coming up. I started a small fire and started to cook the bunny. As it was finishing Michonne came out.

"Here." I said handing her the plate. I walked inside with the other and handed it to Andrea. She was sitting on the couch staring at nothing. I could tell she didn't want to talk so I left. As I struggled to get down the stairs Michonne came and helped me.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

We sat in comfortable silence as we ate. She looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Wanna learn how to use a katana?" She asked.

"Hell yeah! And by the way my names Enid. I don't think we ever officially met." We shook hands and laughed. Well I laughed, she sounded like she was gargling something.

"Sorry. I'm not a people person." She said and passed me her katana.

"Neither am I." I said looking down at the beautiful sword.

"Okay first swing then slice." She kept telling me directions as I practiced. I was getting the hang of it. Andrea came out and smiled. Michonne excused herself to go talk to Andrea. I sat down resting my ankle. I shouldn't be using it, but I needed to. We were always running might as well get used to the pain. I was saving the pain-pills that Hershel gave me for a different time. I sat and waited for Michonne to return. I rubbed my ankle and saw a shadow in the distance. I held the katana and stood up. I hoped it was someone from the farm. As it got closer I noticed it was a walker. All of my hopes diminished and I gripped the sword as Michonne told me and as it got close enough I sliced halfway through its head. It fell down.

Michonne came out clapping.

"Good job. For a beginner."

Then we all sat inside and talk except for Michonne she refused to talk. I drifted off to sleep still listening to Andrea speak of Amy.

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