Chapter 17

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I closed the door and locked it. I ran down the hall and surprisingly there were no guards. I turned the corner and saw my crossbow and bag on a table with a bunch of other weapons. I grabbed a bag and filled it with guns and ammo. I could hear the governors yells muffled by the walls. I snuck outside and it was nighttime. I ran towards the gates and heard footsteps. I dashed into the closest building and listened for the people to walk by. But they were coming inside. I hid behind a shelf and listened to their conversation.

"Do you think that girl is alright?" One male said.

"Honestly. No. But who the hell cares. She's probably a spy or something." Another male said.

"Yeah. I wouldn't mind getting a few turns you know." The first male said laughing. Now I was furious.

"We better go check on the governor." They started walking out. Shit. I can't let them do that.

"Hey!" I yelled and jumped out of my spot and shot them both with my new revolver. Thankfully I had found a bunch of silencers there as well. I looked down at the now dead bodies. They're dead. Because of me.

Enid! Get yourself together. They took you prisoner and beat you and almost raped you! I started feeling dizzy and grabbed the end of the table. I looked around and noticed I was in a storage area. There was enough food in here to last us months! I was running out of time but the wall was only 40 yards away. I opened the gym bag and grabbed another duffel bag. I took almost all of their food and I felt happy. I was definitely a Dixon.

I opened the door and looked outside. I snuck outside hugging the wall hiding in the dark. The bags were too heavy for me to carry. I'd have to steal a car. I'll have to find one outside the gates because the walls were to heavily guarded. I took out the revolver and shot the two guards on the west wall. I ran across the open yard and found a small opening in the wall with a bad patch up job. I pried the rest of the wall off and snuck out. I checked the edge of the woods and saw no walkers.

I dashed into the woods breathing heavily, my body aching with every step I took.

My body was begging to stop but I had to keep going. I kept running and saw a road. By the time I got there my breaths were unsteady and I was lightheaded. I saw a car a hundred yards away and to my left was a small group of walkers. About a dozen. I stayed hidden in the trees and jogged to the car. I didn't have a flashlight so I tripped over a tree root making a loud bang from all the bags. I got up and ran to the car. The walkers were now coming my way. I threw the bags in the front seat and started hot wiring the car. The first walker got to the car and I stabbed it pushing it away. I got in the car and closed the door.

Now all the walkers were surrounding the car. I was swearing under my breath trying to get the car to start. The moans were getting louder. They were attracting more. I couldn't face a herd by myself. I was hurrying and finally the car started.

"Yes!" I put the gear in drive and sped away. Once I was a good distance away I stopped and took out my map. I saw a sign saying I was entering Kings County. I figured out the way back to prison and started driving. It was about an hours drive. I knew I couldn't stay awake for that long so I pulled over and hid the car with leaves and bushes and locked the doors. I drifted off to sleep and woke up by hearing a loud honk. I looked outside and saw the governor and some his men. The governor was wearing an eyepatch.

"We need to find this girl. She stole all of our food and weapons." Well that was a lie I only took most of it. I was in the woods enough to be hidden but the front part stuck out so I had covered it. But a woman turned and looked right into my eyes. And she spoke. I was getting ready to have to kill but she did something unexpected.

"Let's check out Kings County. She could've stopped there."

"Good thinking Karen. Ok Everyone lets go." The governor said and everyone got into the cars. She nodded at me and I silently thanked her. But before they pulled away the small herd of walkers from the other night were heading our way. They quickly took out their weapons and shot them down. At least I didn't have to worry about those walkers. As they drove away I sat back and pulled out a granola bar and ate. I opened the mirror and looked at my reflection.

I had dried blood all over my face and body. My right eye was swollen shut and my left eye was throbbing. I had bruises all over my torso and face. And I had cuts from his knife and burns from the ropes on my wrists. All together I was a mess. Then I remembered something.

I looked down at my thigh and the bite mark was dry. No infection, or anything. I put alcohol on it just in case. It burned like a bitch but nothing happened. It seemed to clean the blood and left a dark outline of the bite. Leaving a giant scar. Does this mean I'm immune? I started to cry. I was gonna live.

"God. Thank you!" I have never said those words before. It felt nice. But I've never heard the word 'I love you' before I wonder if that would feel good to say too. Oh Carl. Here I come.

I started the car and drove back to the prison, back to my brothers, back to my family, and back to my life.

Authors note

Hey there walkers. I know there isn't a lot of Enirl or Carnid action happening but I really want to focus on Enid. There still will be Carl and Enid love story. Later it will go into more detail. But for now it's Enid's time to shine.

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