Chapter 36

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Enid's eyes grew bigger and her mind became more furious.

"What are you waiting for Sophia Fuckeria. I like that. Sophia Fuckeria." Johnny laughed at his little joke, but it only made Enid more dangerous as her anger grew and adrenaline started pumping through her veins. Sophia. The poor girl who had led her back to her family while Enid returned the favor by leading her to her death.
"For only being good for fucking. You're pretty bad it. Carl it is then. " Johnny's last comment really set her off. Everything else had built her steam up but that was her lid. And it just popped. And it wasn't just the part about her. It was also the part about Carl. As those last words had escaped his mouth though, Daryl and Michonne had bursted through the door and everyone else followed. They could see Johnny hovering over Carl with a gun and Enid standing further back without a shirt on. But they were to late.

Enid stood up with the knife and chucked it at Johnny, it stuck right in his heart. The power she had used to throw the knife came out of no where and left out of no where.

As the body of Johnny fell from the roof Michonne knew they were too late. Too late for Johnny. Not Enid. She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and stepped towards the body to inspect it.

Ricks eyes filled with tears at the sight of his son in danger like that but as soon as he saw it, it was gone. Now Jonny laid on the ground. Dead.

Daryl's face was no longer hard, but still not soft. He stared at Enid with sadness and anger at the same time. Her shirt was missing and that boy was because of it. He had knocked an arrow into place, but he blinked and Johnny was on the ground.

Everyone else in the courtyard just stared. Not sure what to feel. Lincoln felt relieved he had made it in time. Maggie and Glenn stood together as they felt the pain Enid and Carl were facing. Beth had stayed behind with Hershel since he couldn't walk as fast. And Carol was just surprised Enid had enough strength to kill Johnny.

Once she threw the knife reality hit Enid like a truck. She could no longer contain the sobs. Carl stood up and stared at the shirtless girl. She had killed Johnny to save him. The boy felt tears as he opened his arms. Enid didn't hesitate to run into the safety of his arms. Covering her exposed body. It was so close. So close to being taken advantage of. Again. Enid just held onto Carl as if he were her lifeline. This didn't bother Carl one bit.

Enid peeked behind Carl and saw the group standing there. She began to feel embarrass from her appearance and wrapped her arms around her chest and stayed behind Carl. Carl quickly removed his flannel and put Enid's arms through it. She buttoned it up with the help of Carl and the two began their descent. Carl climbed down first and held Enid's waist as she climbed down.

Once Enid's feet hit the floor she looked at her family. These people knew her better than her actual family ever did and she was kind of glad. They knew he she was and they trusted her and loved her for herself. She was starting to accept that they knew her secret.

Enid ran to her family and hugged Daryl and Rick who stood next to each other. They were surprised at first, but then hugged her back. The fragile girl who had hugged Rick turned around to Carl and the rest of her family and her true strong self came back. She smiled at her family and hugged them all. Everyone was shocked at this but didn't question it.

Soon there focus returned to the dead boy. Lincoln was now sitting next to him and rummaging through his pocket.

"What are you doing?" Rick asked the boy who had tried to save his family. Which Rick was very grateful for.

"Getting proof," Lincoln grumbled. "Okay. I always carry around this recorder and when Johnny told me what he was doing I planted the recorder on him because I knew his family wouldn't believe it with out proof." Lincoln handed Rick the tape and stepped back. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get you. I couldn't find the right Cellblock and-" Rick stopped his rambling by saying thank you.

"You did the right thing. And you helped save my family so you've done alright by me." Rick gave him a slight smile and the boy calmed down a bit. He stared past Rick at the girl who wore the other boys flannel and held onto her brother. Carl stood two feet away with his hat covering his sad face.

"Okay. But don't play it unless you absolutely have to. I don't think Enid would like it very much if you did." Lincoln whispered in Rick's ear and Rick understood what he meant. He tucked the tape into his pocket and sighed.

"Okay everyone back to the Cellblock. Including you Lincoln. I don't want you near them right now. First, Carol, Michonne, Glenn, and Maggie, I want you to go get the family and inform them on what happened. And then talk to the rest of Woodbury. Two of you usher the family two of you stay back. Daryl I'm gonna need your help with the body. Carl and Enid go back to the Cellblock too. We will meet you there soon." Rick finished explaining and everyone left to do their jobs. Again. Rick was starting to feel tired of having to always tell people what to do. Maybe Carl was right. Maybe he should let someone else lead for a while. But right now he had a body and an upset family to deal with.

Authors Note
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