Chapter 25

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I wake up on the ground outside to the feeling of rain drops. I run inside and see everyone sitting around the table making a plan. Daryl shares eye contact with me, but quickly looks away. I fast walk to my cell and drop my crossbow on my bed. I look at my reflection in the mirror.

My hair was disgusting. I had a little blood on my face left from my cuts. The swelling of my face went down but not by a lot. I look away not wanting to see my face anymore. I pull out my brush and begin to brush my hair. I throw my hair up in a ponytail and tighten it. I lie down on the bed and shove my crossbow off. I don't know how long I just lay there and stare at the ceiling.

All I know is that the pain, this pain of being used and forgotten, is much worse than what dad had ever done. Not because of what happened to me, but that Daryl and Merle was a part of it. The two people that actually cared for me. Forgot about me and left me. That's the worst pain of all.

Nothing is worse than that. No one could argue that. They couldn't. Everything leads back to being forgotten. Being kidnapped. The person forgets your a human and forgets the needs a human being needs to survive. Being abused. They forget you can hurt, they forget who you are to them. Everything. Everything leads back to being forgotten.

Fear makes us forget. And I refuse to forget.

I swing my legs over and stand up. Picking up my crossbow I walk out of my cell. I go down the stairs two at a time. My footsteps silent, as I approach the table of adults consulting about the plan to take out Woodbury. I stand in the doorway as Rick tells everyone what to do. I look around and see Carl sitting in the corner with Beth. He's not mine. And I am not his. My hands ball into fists.

I step forward and clear my throat. Everyone turns to me surprised.

"What about me? I refuse to sit this out. This ones personal." My voice carried an authoritative tone. Rick looked at Daryl for approval. Daryl surprisingly looked away.

"You can be with Maggie and Glenn and help drive them away." Rick said rubbing his face like this was hard for him.

I nodded and started to walk away, but a voice stopped me.

"I missed you." Carl squeaked hugging me. I froze for a moment then hugged him.

"I missed you too." My arms wrapped tighter around his torso as he rubbed my back. I slowly let go and stepped back a little uncertain on what to say.

"I've got to go help my dad. But I'll talk to you before the attack." Carl smiled and pecked my cheek with his soft lips. His face turning a shade of pink. As he left what stuck in my mind wasn't the kiss, but his words.


Before the attack.

We were going to war with these people and we had to be ready for all outcomes. I went back to my cell and took out my weapons.

I sharpened my arrows and my knives as I placed them on my belt. I packed everything up in a duffel bag and brushed my hair and put it in a braid. Changed and relaced my boots and put my stuff on the bed.

I stared at the empty cell. The blood stains were still there even after my excessive cleaning. My bed was made with the small sheet and pillow and the small mirror had few smudges. I looked down at the outfit I threw on. Dark jeans, combat boots, a plain gray tank top, and my leather jacket.

I put a layer of dark purple lipstick on and kiss the mirror. Hopefully the governor will see this.

Authors note
Hey everyone. Sorry it's so short!! Ive decided to get back into things. So sorry if some details are wrong! I haven't updated in like a year. Thanks for staying with me!

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