Chapter 4

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It's been hours since they left. Rick and Glenn should've brought Hershel back by now. Beth still hasn't woken up yet. We needed Hershel. I finally got up from my spot next to Beth and went downstairs. I made two peanut butter and peanut butter sandwiches since we have no jelly and walked outside. I saw Lori by the laundry and Carl was with her. I walked over to him handing him the sandwich.

"Thanks Enid." Carl said.

"Your welcome. But tomorrow it's your turn." We both laughed. I haven't done that in a while. We were eating and talking when I saw Lori race inside then back out and over towards my brother. I shrugged it off.

"So, you're telling me. That in third grade you released all of the animals from the cages at your school."

"Yes Carl." I laughed at my story. "I was trying to fit in and someone dared me too. So I did." We both broke out laughing.

Then Carl stopped. "What do you mean "trying" to fit in?" His face went from happy to a concerned sad look in two seconds.

"I was very socially awkward I guess. No one wanted to be my friend. I was the weird girl with the crazy family. People would talk to me though. Only cause they felt bad. There were a few bullies, but I was okay." I wasn't lying. I shut those bullies down and they left me alone for the most part. Got suspended for it, but totally worth threatening them that I would gut them and string em up. I was more scared of my father.

"Are you sure your okay?" He gave me a hug.

"I'm sure."

"Okay." He softly said.


"Maybe okay will be our always."

"CARL GRIMES! You did not just quote The Fault In Out Stars!" I fell down laughing and he tumbled down after.

"Has anyone seen Lori?!!" I heard a distressed yell from Dale.

"Carl where'd your mother go?" Shane was staring at him.

"I don't know. Is she gone. What's happening?!" Carl ran out towards the house.

"Carl wait." I called after him running.

"MOM! Mom! Please!" He fell to the ground and cried.

I ran over to him and hugged him.

"Shh. Carl it's okay. Shane is going to go look for her. She's gonna be fine and so is your dad." I rubbed his back till he stood up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front porch. We sat down and he held me as I laid my head down on his shoulder.

"Enid. Do you really think they'll come back?"

"Carl. In all honesty yes." I actually believed they would. Something in me just felt like they would come back.
We sat there in silence for a while when we heard a car driving up. I bolted towards it dragging Carl behind me. The car stopped and Shane and Lori came out.

"Where is he?" Lori asked angrily staring at Shane.

"I'm sorry. I needed to get you back here." Shane said talking very slowly and quietly.

"I'm going back." Lori started to walk towards the cars.

Shane grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch me!" She growled.

"Lori. I did it for Carl. And the baby. A pregnant woman can't go out killing walkers."

Everyone stood still. Shocked to find that Lori was pregnant.

"Your pregnant?" Carl looked at her.

She nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

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