Chapter 23

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My eyes snap open. I was soaked in my sweat and tears streamed down my face. I hear snarls and don't move. I wait till they pass and quietly sit up. I put the bag back on my shoulders and hold out my crossbow. I see a small herd walking about hundred feet away in the road. I ran into the cover of the trees. There's a stray walker so I shoot it with my crossbow. I retrieved my arrow and kept going.

I stumbled and tripped over roots and uneven ground. My right eye was bruised shut and my face was bleeding from cuts and even more bruises. My torso was purple and blue and my legs were going numb. All I felt was pain and violated. I wish I had killed the governor. I was so fucking stupid. I got scared and ran. Now that monster is still out there. I screamed in frustration. Which was not the best idea.

I had gotten in front of the walkers but not by that much. I started to run as best I could. Then I heard a car go by. I turned and saw through the trees that it was from the prison. It was already gone by the time I was about to run after it. The car had distracted some of the walkers so I quickly bolted in the direction of where the car came from.

A walker came from the left and knocked me down. I felt for my knife as I held the walker up with my left hand. I grabbed the knife and stabbed it. I rolled it off me and the other walkers were almost on top of me. I got up and ran. I needed to get to the prison. If I stopped I'm not sure if I could get up again.

I saw a watch tower through the trees and I forced myself to go faster. I slowed down when I saw the walker infested yard. I would never be able to make it through all of those walkers. I turned around and saw the walkers gaining. I made a split decision and went towards the guard tower. I pulled out a M9 and shot down the closest walkers. I swung open the guard tower door and slammed it shut. I climbed the stairs and fell halfway. I felt my eyes grow heavy and soon all I saw was darkness and blood.

Glenn's POV

I was on watch when Rick left with Carl, and Michonne. Not even 20 minutes later I saw a figure run into the watch tower. I pointed the rifle at them but they were already inside. I crouched down and watched the tower. But nothing came from the top or bottom. After another 20 minutes of watching and waiting Maggie came out.

"Hey Glenn." She smiled. I yanked her arm and pulled her down. "What was that?" Maggie asked me annoyed.

"Someone's in the tower." I whispered pointing at the tower closest to the gate.

"Governors man?" Maggie whispered squinting at the tower.

"I don't know. I could barely see them, there were too many walkers. But it seemed like a small figure." I said.

"Do you think they'd send a kid to try and attack us?" Maggie said concerned.

"Maybe. It is the governor. Let's get inside. And after we should go check it out." I said standing up.

"Okay." Maggie said and we hurried inside.

When we walked in I saw Beth holding Judith, Carol cooking, Daryl and Merle playing cards, and Hershel watching, laughing.

"Guys. We have a problem." I said getting everyone's attention.

"What is it?" Beth asked worried.

"Glenn saw someone go into the guard tower." Maggie said getting right to the point.

"What? Well we need to get em'!" Merle yelled.

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