Chapter 10

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We ran into a house Rick shooting one and T-Dog stabbing the other one. Carl, Daryl, Rick, Daryl, and I cleared the house while Maggie and Glenn checked the perimeter. I walked upstairs and saw Daryl shoot an owl. I searched the rest of the rooms upstairs and walked downstairs. Everyone was in the living room. It's been a few months since I found the group and winter is over. Lori's pregnancy is advancing and all we do is run. If we don't find a place soon that baby won't last long.

I sat in the corner away from everyone. The first week back was great. But slowly the food I brought was eaten, and Rick had given Lori double the amount of food as everyone else. I get she was pregnant, but that just made food run out faster. And everything was chaotic. We never stopped for more than a day. We have been going back in circles all winter. I have put my walls back up and barely speak. Carl barely does too. He has gotten colder, but still had a small spark of him left.

But I was already gone.

Carl came back in and started to open dog food. Rick took the can and furiously threw it in the fireplace. Then T-Dog gave us the cue and we packed up and headed out. I got in the car and sat in the front with T-Dog. He hasn't given up on getting to me to speak yet. Sometimes I'd speak for a moment then my voice would fade out.

We stopped and everyone got out. I made my way to the back of the group and stood my position. Carl stood at the point and Beth on a side. Then Rick and Daryl left to go hunting. While the others went to go for water. I stayed behind. Hershel was reading his bible, Beth was sitting quietly next to her father. Carl was playing with his gun as usual we shared eye contact for a minute then I got up walking away. I went back into the green car and sat. I pulled out "kindness" and smiled remembering my first night back. Everything was peaceful and happy. Now all I do is dread.

After about an hour Daryl and Rick came back. Everyone else came back about fifteen minutes ago. They told us about a prison we could take over. I blocked out of the rest of the conversation. We then drove for about fifteen minutes. We arrived at the prison. Only a few walkers were outside the fences. It's the ones on the inside we were worried about. As Rick cut a hole in the fence I shot the ones that got to close. I was the last one through the hole and Glenn started lacing it up. We ran to the gate and started to brainstorm.

"If we get that gate closed we can take the yard by tonight." Rick said.

Carl's POV

"If we get that gate closed we can take the yard by tonight." My dad said.

"I'll run for the gate I'm the fastest." Glenn spoke up since no one offered.

"No. It's a suicide run." Maggie butted in.

"Yeah. Besides I'm the fastest." Enid replied with a smile. That was true. She is the fastest out of everyone. But everyone seemed happy that she spoke. She barely ever spoke. T-Dog could get her to speak sometimes. They had a special connection or something. Like a fatherly figure. I mean Daryl was there, but he was a sarcastic, rude, butthead. So basically he was just a brother.

My Dad thought for a moment then spoke again.

"Okay. Carl, and Hershel you two in that tower. Carol you've become a pretty good shot. Take your time we don't have a lot of bullets, Daryl in that one," My dad said pointing to the one on the far right. "Beth, Maggie, Glenn get their attention over there and pop 'em through the fence. I'll run for the gates with Enid." He finished. My eyes widened at the thought of Enid going out there. But my Dad would be covering her while she ran for the gate. And she was fast. Plus everyone was shooting to make sure no walkers got close.

I ran over to Enid and hugged her before I went to the tower.

"Be careful." I said in her hair.

"Always am." Then she placed a kiss on my cheek and took the clips from my dad. I walked to the tower and got in my position the tingling still on my cheek where she kissed me.

Enid's POV

I placed a kiss on Carl's cheek. Why? I have no idea. I grabbed the clips I would be using to close the gates. I waited for Ricks cue, the tingling still on my lips that I used to kiss Carl's cheek still present. Lori opened the gates and I ran. Rick quickly fell behind covering me. Wow. I was faster than I thought. As I ran I felt a bullet pass my head. I looked over and saw Carol. She smiled and yelled.

"Sorry." I laughed still running.

I reached the gate pushing a walker that got to close for comfort back in and shut them. I clipped the gate and fence together so it stayed closed. I turned around a took out my crossbow. My bow and arrow that I much rather be using broke so I had to use my crossbow.

"Light it up." I heard Daryl call.

I started shooting them down. I saw Carl shoot one that got to close to Rick. And he looked over at his son seeming very proud. Rick then ran into a tower since three walkers we're going after him. I quickly stabbed them since my arrows ran out. One came up behind me and I was too late. It tackled me to the ground and I heard everyone yelling. I pushed it off and took my knife and stabbed it. Another one came right after, but Carl shot it and it fell on top of me. I got up and watched as all the walkers were taken down. I walked around with the others making sure they were fully dead. Carol was running around with her arms out.

"We haven't had this much space since we left the farm." She cried in excitement.

The group all sat around a fire while Rick was walking the perimeter. I was at the fence killing walkers through the fence. I needed something to distract me. I could hear Carol murmur something to T-Dog which I was guessing was about me. Since they kept looking at me, concern filled their faces. After twenty minutes all the walkers on the fence were dead. I walked down and sat next to Carol. She hugged me and then she left towards Daryl food in hand. I got up and sat next to Carl. He looked up shocked then smiled.

"That's his third time around." Hershel spoke. "If something was wrong he would've found it by now." We all stayed quiet for a while till again Hershel broke it.

"Bethy? Will you sing Paddy Reilley. I haven't heard that since your mother died."

"Oh daddy please not that one." Beth chimed in.

"How about the parting glass?" He offered.

"No one wants to hear." Beth said defensively.

"Why not?" Glenn said looking at her.

Then she started to sing. Everyone swayed and looked at her contently. I knew this song. I loved it. Maggie and I shared eye contact and sang with her. Everyone clapped.

"Y'all have amazing voices." Glenn said. He was starting to pick up the county accent everyone had. Carl leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"You should sing more often." I smiled at his comment. He put his arm around me and I placed my head on his shoulder. Then Rick walked down, probably hearing the singing. He squatted down next to Lori handing her his portion of food. She declined, but he more forcefully gave it to her. She took a piece and he finally ate the rest. Carol and Daryl then walked over smiling. Those two have gotten closer, and I'm glad. Daryl needs someone like her in his life. Then Rick stood up and cleared his throat.

"We should get some sleep we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." Everyone looked at him confusion present in their eyes.

"What do you mean?" Glenn asked for everyone.

"I know we're all tired and this was a great win. But we have to push just a little further. They should have an infirmary, a cafeteria,-" He was cut off by Daryl.

"An armory?"

"That would be set off a little bit from the prison. But not to far. We can do this. Those assholes don't stand a chance." Rick finished his little speech and everyone went to sleep. Well if you could call it that.

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