Chapter 19

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"Well when I went off to find Daryl I saw tracks leading back to the prison and heard gunshots. Then I was kidnapped by Woodbury. But they didn't know I was from the prison. So I went along with it saying my name was Rosita. Don't ask." I laughed and continued. "But as you know Andrea was there and she blew my cover before I could leave. Then the governor took me into this building and put me in a room with me tied to a chair. He tried getting me tell him our weaknesses by hitting me and kicking me but I wouldn't give. So then, here's where my badassness comes in, he threw a walker in saying he was using Merle's tactics. I had pushed it to the ground and smashed its face in." I was interrupted by Glenn.

"Hey I did that too!" He said giving me a high five. "We can have our own club. We'll be the 'Tied to a chair and killed a walker cause I'm that badass' club." Glenn said.

"Okay." I laughed. "Now as I continue. So after wards he said how if couldn't get rid of me. He could have fun."
I paused and saw Daryl's fists clench. And Carl was holding in tears. So was Maggie. "But I used Kindness that I always keep in my boot and stabbed him in the eye."

"Wait you call your knife Kindness?" Michonne said almost laughing.

"Yeah. You know kill them with kindness." I laughed and everyone else laughed to but not as loud as Michonne. "Anyways. I got out and grabbed these weapons and food and got out and found a car and drove here. I had killed only four guys." I said stopping my story.

"Enid. You are one of the bravest and strongest young girls I've ever met. I am so proud and on behalf of everyone thank you." Rick said smiling and hugging me. I smiled back. I saw Hershel standing back and stare at me.

"Enid. Would you like to add something else to the story." Hershel said.

"What?" Maggie asked.

"Enid are you not telling us something." Carol said.

"Okay look everyone. Don't freak out let me finish before you jump to conclusions. When I was fending off the walker I lunged around the table to late and it. It bit me." I stuttered. "But the thing is it didn't get infected or gross looking or anything." I pulled up my pant leg so they could see. Everyone crowded around and studied it. "It seems to be that I'm immune to whatever this is." Ricks face hardened. "And that's the story of my badassness." I finished.

"You were bit?! And didn't tell us! You put my family in danger for your own selfish reasons!" Rick yelled at me. I was shocked that he'd say this. But my shock soon turned into anger.

"What the fuck did you just say!? My own selfish reasons!? I came back from being beaten and almost raped and brought more food and weapons than you've ever had! And cleared the damn field! I didn't come back till I knew I wasn't going to turn and hurt you! So don't you dare say I put your family in danger because this is my family too not just yours Rick. You can't just try and save Carl and Judith cause we're all in this together." I finished my lecture and was staring down Rick. He just stood and looked down at the ground.

I stormed off with Daryl hot on my heels.

"You were bit?" He said his voice cracking.

"Yeah." I said sitting down in the field that was now walker free.

"And your immune?"

"I think so. I mean there's no signs of me turning."

"Thank God." He pulled me in and squeezed me till I couldn't breathe.

"Dar. Can't. Breathe." I said and he let go.

"Why'd you leave?" I asked. I needed to know why he would just leave me like that.

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