Chapter 14

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It's been days since I fought my way into the infirmary. I found a water bottle that had fallen under a desk and two granola bars in the drawers. I sipped the water allowing myself a small amount a day. I've finished the granola bars and I fall in and out of consciousness every few hours.

I heard a faint yell that sounded like someone screaming Carols name. I drag myself towards the door and open it. That was the dumbest idea I've ever had because as soon as the door was open a walker fell on top of me. I pulled out my knife trying to stab it. But I was too weak. I finally managed to shove it off of me. I ran out of the infirmary and slammed the door shut. I gasp for air. My eyes were starting to get heavy. No! I needed to get back. I stumbled forwards listening making sure I wasn't heading to a walker. I walked down a hall and heard voices. I tried going faster but fell over a dead walker.

"Ah fuck!" I whisper-yelled. My ankle was throbbing. It must be twisted. I sat back and held it. I slowly stood up using the wall for support. I limped towards the door. The voices getting louder. I opened the door and there stood my precious C-Block.

I tried to take a step forward but failed. I ended up falling on my face.

"Help." I wheezed. I looked up and saw Daryl rushing to me with everyone hot on his heals.

"Enid! Oh god. Hershel!" That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.


"Hello? Hello!" I yelled. I turned around and saw a woman with a long white dress on. I couldn't make out who she was. I stepped closer squinting at the outline.

"Excuse me?" I asked trying to get the women's attention. I walked a few steps closer and she turned around.

"Lori?" I gasped.

"Hey sweetie." Lori said stepping closer to me and hugged me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her worriedly.

"Oh Enid something terrible has happened. Just please promise to take care of Carl and Judith." Lori was now backing away.

"Wait. Who's Judith? And why are you leaving. LORI!" But she already disappeared.

What had happened. And who was Judith?

Daryls POV

I found Carol in the tombs and everyone was gathering around her in the cell. This woman Michonne had come out of no where with formula and was in the cafeteria area. Carol started crying when she saw Lil' ass kicker and that's when I heard a door squeak. Rick nodded at me motioning for us to go. I pulled out my knife from its sheath since my crossbow was in my "perch" and walked out. But instead of finding a walker. I found my baby sister falling to the ground hitting her head.

"Enid! Oh god. Hershel!" I yelled. I picked her up and brought her to Hershel's cell.

"Put her on the bed. Ok. Beth I need an IV and wrap for her ankle. Daryl, Carl we need room." Hershel was barking orders and didn't realize Carl was there till Hershel said something. Then I saw blood flowing from her head.

"Hershel her head!" I cried. That snapped Hershel out of his calmness.

"Carl. Go get my bag. I need to sew her gash up or she'll lose to much blood."

I turned around and stomped out of the cell. I walked upstairs grabbing my crossbow and went up to Rick and Hershel followed me. I stared at him. He was supposed to be with Enid!

"Don't worry. Bethy is taking care of her. I already sewed up the small gash." Hershel said reading my mind.

"Okay." Rick said getting our attention. "That woman comes out of no where covered in walker guts with a gun wound. And on top of that she's carrying formula? What do we do?" Rick finished looking at us for answers. I spoke up.

"I say we find out why she had the formula then throw 'er out." I didn't feel like finding food for another mouth.

"Okay let's go." Rick turned around and Hershel and I followed him to the cafeteria.

"We can tend to that wound for you. Give you food, water. Then send you on your way." Rick said standing in front of her. "But you're gonna have to tell us how you found us. And why you were carrying formula."

The woman spoke softly and slowly which pissed me off.

"The supplies were dropped by a young Asian guy with a pretty girl."

"What happened?" Rick said now intrigued.

"Were they attacked?" Hershel asked standing up. He looked so worried.

"They were taken." She answered.

"Taken? By who?" Rick started to lean towards her.

"Same son of a bitch that shot me." She said remembering the memory she scowled.

"Hey these were our people. Now tell us what happened. Now!" Rick said grabbing her gunshot. I pulled my crossbow up just in case.

"Don't you ever touch me again!" She scolded Rick.

"You'd better start talking. Or your gonna have a much bigger problem than a gunshot wound." I said pointing the crossbow at her head.

"Find 'em yourself." She stated.

Rick told me to put it down and started to talk with her calmly.

We found out about the town. Woodbury. The governor sounds like a prick. Hershel stayed to fix her up and Rick and I walked back into the cell block.

Carl's POV

Everyone was inside discussing about what to do. I wasn't allowed though since I was a child. They treat me that way. But I'm not. So I'm keeping watch on the strange woman Hershel was helping. After a while Dad came out and told me to help pack. I ran to the guns and supplies and started to pack everything. Food, water, ammunition, guns, and a first aid kit just in case. I grabbed the bags and ran outside to the car. Daryl was already there he turned to me.

"Don't worry about your old man. I'll take care of him."

I nodded. "And I'll take care of Enid." I said smiling up at him. He patted my back and walked off. Then dad pulled me to the side.

"What you did for mom--" I interrupted him. I didn't want to hear this.

"I had to."

"Yeah. Yeah I. I know. And I'm sorry. No one should have to go through that." Dad said looking down at me.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked changing the subject.

"Look if anything happens-"

"We'll be alright." I said wanting the conversation to stop. But he continued.

"If anything happens, get everyone and Enid locked in the cells. Keep 'em safe."

"I will." I said holding back tears.

"I know. I know you will. Take care of your sister alright."

"Daryl's been calling her ass-kicker." I said smiling.

"Ass kicker? Has he now." Dad smiled as well. I continued.

"I've been thinking, what we should really call her?"

"What do you think?" Dad asked. I've been thinking about this for a while. So I had a name already picked out.

"Remember my third grade teacher, Mrs. Mueller?"

"Of course." Dad said. I knew he probably didn't though.

"Her first name was Judith. Do you think that's a good name?"

"I think that's a fine name. Judith it is."

Then they drove to that damn town. Woodbury.

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