Chapter 32

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Carl's POV

I walked into the clearing with my gun at the ready. I checked to make sure there wasn't any walkers then I holstered my gun.

"Enid?" I called out. I heard muffled sobs from above me and turned around. I saw dark hair hanging over the edge of the roof. "Enid? C'mon."

"Go away."

I sighed and looked around for a way to get up to Enid. I notice a barred window next to the over hang. I walked over to it and stared upwards. My hat falls off as I do. So I pick it up and climb up, using the bars as a ladder. I swung my legs over the side and stood up. My eyes immediately land on Enid curled up in a ball. My heart breaks at the sight of her. Her hair was a mess and as she looked up at me her red, puffy eyes looked into mine as if she was searching my soul. Her eyes held true sadness. Behind her the sun began to set and her beauty distracted me for a moment from the current situation. I was brought back down to earth as she quickly turned away and went back into her ball.

I walked over to her and sat down next to her curled up body. I rubbed her back as her sobs continued.

"You know, Michonne wanted me to come get her once I found you..." My voice trailed off as Enid shot up and stared at me.

"No, no, no. Carl, please." Enid's eyes and voice pleaded with me. I stared down at her, contemplating whether I should go tell someone I found her or not. Daryl was probably out of his mind and everyone else would be worried as well, but I couldn't imagine what Enid was going through.

"Fine. I won't. But Enid. Why didn't you tell me." I asked her. Enid's face fell and she turned away from me. She put her hands in her face and sat down. I sat next to her and pulled her hands away from her beautiful face. "Enid, please." I begged her.

"This is why. I didn't want anyone looking down at me. Like I was some fragile hurt puppy. I couldn't take it then. I can't take it now. When your weak, people can take advantage of you and don't love you. You are a simple nothing to them in their world. As if you were a speck of dust they step on. I can't take that from you guys. I finally had a family who loved me for who I am." Enid sniffles and I held her close.

"Enid. No one hear looks at you any differently. Yeah, we're worried about you and don't want anyone to hurt you. But that's how we've always felt. The only difference now is that we know you better and know that you've gone through worse situations. This only assures us how strong you are. I've never doubted how strong you are. I mean, you surprise me all the time about your skills, but I've never doubted you couldn't do them. When I look at you I see a strong, young girl. Who can do anything and everything. And to me that girl is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. When I hear your voice it sounds like an angel was sent down to save me. When I smell your distinct sent of pine and peppermint I go crazy. I breathe it in as much as I can. When I feel your heartbeat against my chest it is the most calming thing in the world because I know you are alive and you're in my arms safe. I never want to let go of you. You're so strong that I feel safe with you as well. Don't ever doubt your strength or your beauty." I grab her chin as she looks away in embarrassment. "Never doubt my feelings for you. Because you're brave, honest, beautiful, intelligent, funny, and strong. I look at you and all I can see is you. You are the brightest thing in my eyes and everything else blurs and dims. But lately, your sparkle has begun to dull. I can't stand seeing you be torn apart. I love you Enid. And I'll never take it back. You make me feel safe and secure and I want you to be as happy as we used to be." I leaned down and I could feel tingles go through my body as we got closer. Fireworks were exploding in front of my eyes. Enid closed her eyes and leaned in as well. Our lips were about to meet when I heard the door squeak open.

"Carl?" Michonnes voice rang through the clearing. I sighed and leaned back from Enid.

"Up here." I called down to her. I sent a smile to Enid and looked over the edge at Michonne.

"Is Enid with you?"

"Yep. Can you tell the others we're fine. I think we're gonna stay a bit longer." Michonne just nodded and walked out. I knew she wasn't one for talking, but I thought she would say something more like 'fine. But be back by seven.'

"Well. That ruined the moment." I said and sat back down next to Enid. She giggled a little bit and laid down and dragged me down with her.

"Remember the time at Hershel's farm when we threw so much mud at each other and then fell into the pond." Enid whispered and let out a small laugh.

"I sure do. I remember you losing the battle." I smirked. She slapped my arm playfully and said "Nuh uh."

We talked for hours about our past memories together and future memories. 

"When I was little I wanted to have four kids. Two boys and two girls. So each one had at least a brother and a sister." Enid laughed at herself.

"Wanna make that dream a reality." I joked and wiggle my eyebrows at her.

"You nasty child." Enid laughed it off and yawned. I noticed the sun had gone down completely and it was almost pitch black. I pulled her small body into mine and wrapped my arms around her. She turned, for once, into me and snuggled her face against my chest. My heart skipped a beat as I held her. I was finally holding Enid. I was upset that we didn't kiss, but I knew we would soon. I smiled at the thought of kissing her soft lips and soon fell asleep to the image.

Hey survivors! Sorry it's been so long since my last update. But I have so much school work lately. Ugh. Carnid moment though! Comment what you think of their relationship and vote and like. Please write down theories or suggestions of what you think should happen in season four for this book. I'll be taking them into heavy consideration. Thanks. Love you! XOXO

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