Chapter 16

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Oh shit. I was in Woodbury. I woke up in a hospital type room. A woman was checking my head and I still haven't said a word.

"Well. Your ankle is seeming to do a lot better. And surprisingly you don't have a concussion." She said. I stared at her not speaking.

The woman left and I got up looking around. My weapons and bag were gone. I knelt down and felt the inside of my boot. My small knife was still there. I smiled. I got up and saw a window. I tried opening it but it was locked. There was a metal pole meant for surgery on the counter. I picked it up and was about to smash the window when I heard someone speak behind me.

"Woah woah. Little lass what are you doing?" It was the same voice that had carried me in. I turned to see a man with brown hair with two guys behind him. I just stared at him. Raising the pole.

"Hey. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm the governor. And this is Martinez and Shawn." I looked at the men and lowered the pole. I couldn't have won this fight.

"Good. Now can ya tell me your name?" Asked the governor. I can't tell him my name. He'd kill me if he knew I was with the prison people. And I'm pretty sure Merle went easy on Glenn. Oh god. I miss Glenn. And Maggie. And everyone. I'm such an idiot for leaving.

"Excuse me?" I snapped out of my daze and focused back on the governor.

"Rosita Belle." I whispered. Rosita was close enough to "Enita" so I could get used to it till I escaped.

"Well Rosita. It's pretty late. Would you like to stay?" Governor asked.

I didn't move just started walking out the door. I followed the governor out the door and saw a blonde woman rushing to us. as she got closer I noticed it was Andrea. Oh shit! She'd blow my cover. I turned around and hid behind Martinez. He didn't think anything of it. Just stood up taller to cover me more.

Andrea was whispering to the governor about the prison people and she could reason with them. He just shook his head and Andrea stormed off. We continued on and made it to this apartment place.

"This is where you'll be staying. It's too late tonight, but tomorrow we'll set you up a roommate since you're still too young to be on your own. By the way welcome to Woodbury, the new worlds Haven." I nodded and walked up the stairs and into the apartment with two guards on the outside. Well. I'm not leaving tonight.

How did people find this place to be a safe haven? To me and everyone back at the prison this place was a living hell. I couldn't stand the thought of being caught by the governor. He would probably do much worse to me than what happened to Glenn. But of course I wouldn't let that happen. I took my knife out and played with it. I could stab the men out there but the other would shoot me before I made any real damage. And there's probably guards every which way out of this place.

I had seen Michonne before I left the prison. She was sitting in a cell. She saw me too and a look of pain was on her eyes when she saw me. But I ran. I wasn't running from my problems in my perspective. I was going to go solve them. By finding Merle and Daryl.

I stuck the knife back in my shoe and sat down on the bed. My stomach growled very loudly. I stood up and almost ran to the kitchen checking it for food. And it was stocked! Cans, pasta, even Ramen Noodles! I took everything out and found a bunch of waters. First I boiled some water and made ramen noodles. As I ate I packed everything into a duffel bag. I put it under the bed and heard it hit something underneath the bed. I pulled out a baby monitor from under the bed. Fuck. They were listening. I quickly turned it off and put it back. I finished eating and climbed into bed, it was too long of a fucking day. My head hurt so much. It's gone through too much. I got up again and went to relieve myself in the bathroom. I then found out there was water! I rushed to the shower and it turned on! I looked though the cabinets and found shampoo, conditioner, medicine and even a razor. I took some meds for my head and stepped into the shower. I haven't had a nice shower since the farm. I shaved, conditioned and cleaned the rest of the blood off me. I stepped out and saw scissors on the counter. I brushed my hair and trimmed it. It was now just below my chest. No longer to my belly button. I braided my hair so it wouldn't knot as easy. The medicine had kicked in and I was getting tired. I walked to the bed and dozed off. Hopefully tomorrow I can get out of this hell hole.

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