Chapter 2

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I was running as fast as I could. My lungs were on fire. I felt a hand grab me and I was pushed to the forest floor.

"Why you running?" Questioned the bald man.

"Shane. She's a kid."

"A kid that can whoop your ass." I sneered.

"Shut up." Shane said.

They dragged me back. Taking my crossbow, bag, and knife in the process. What they didn't know is that I always kept a small knife in my boot. We arrived at the farm and as we passed the barn I felt a sudden surge of sadness. The man that called the bald one Shane led me towards where tents were set up.

"Rick who's this?" Asked the brunette from earlier.

"Lori, haven't asked her yet." Well now I know Rick and Lori. Who are the rest of em.

"Why don't you tell us your name." Rick said to me softly.

"Why should I?" I spit.

"Because right now your in my custody."

"Sorry to ruin your day Sherrif, but I don't take well with authority." I then head butted him and ran. I could hear footsteps behind me, but I didn't stop. Shit I didn't have my bow.

Then I heard Rick yell to someone. I darted around the tents and saw a crossbow. But it wasn't mine. It looked just like Daryl's.

I froze. Rick followed by a bunch of others came up to me.

"Drop it." A blonde woman said.

I didn't do anything. I just sat down and began crying. I didn't realize how much I missed Daryl till seeing this crossbow. It couldn't have been Daryl's. He had more trust issues than me. I then felt hands on my back. Expecting it to be Rick I put my hands up ready to punch. But then I heard Lori say.

"Sweetie are you alright." Then, I don't know if it was from all of my emotions or if I was dehydrated, I blacked out.

I felt something wet on my forehead. I jumped up and saw I was in a room. With an IV in my arm. Then an old man came in.

"Hello, I'm Hershel. And your?"

I didn't answer, all I said was "What happened?"

Hershel looked at me "After you passed out Rick brought you to me to check you out. You were dehydrated with some bruises so I hooked you up to an IV to get you hydrated." I nodded meaning I understood.

"How long was I out?"

"About a day. It's ten in the morning right now. Here." He handed me some pills. "These should help with the pain."

"Thank you." I squeaked.

"Rick should be up soon to talk to you."

I nodded and took the pills then he left. These people. Even after I tried to escape helped me? Maybe these people weren't that bad. I sighed and saw my bag in the corner. I tried getting up to get it, but the damn IV was too short. I tried pulling it free.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Trust me I know." I turned and saw that guy, Rick, in the doorway. He walked over and handed me my bag.

"Why'd you run?" He looked at me sternly like an actual father would do.

"I-I thought you would hurt me." I stuttered.

"I guess I understand that. Are you all alone?"

I nodded not speaking.

He looked down and back up to me.

"Would you like to stay with us?"

I truly didn't know. "Maybe. Could. Could I meet the others first?" I said. I was too weak to care right now.

"Sure. For now. Rest. I'll come get you when we eat lunch."

With that he left. I read medical books that Hershel had in the room. And drank several more waters and each time a young blonde girl name Beth came in to refill it. We talked a little bit and then she would leave again. I liked her she seemed a lot like Sophia. After the fifth time of refilling my water I spoke up.

"You should just leave the jug here so you don't have to keep refilling it."

"Well then I wouldn't get to see you." Beth said. I smiled at her. She gave me a hug then left, leaving behind the water jug. I finished the whole thing then Rick came up.

"If you'd like to join we're having lunch outside." I looked up and then down at the IV in my arm.

"Here." He said taking out the IV the proper way. I followed after him and walked outside. The light was really bright. I was still a little lightheaded so I almost fell over thankfully Rick caught me. He helped me walk over to where a bunch of people were sat. They all looked up and a few smiled others just said hi. It was silent.

Then the blonde spoke. "I'm Andrea. Welcome." I shot her a smile and Lori passed me a plate of eggs! I looked at it amazed and stared at her.

"Yeah. I know right I thought I'd never have eggs again either." She was so sweet. I started to eat while the rest of them told me their names. After the last person spoke the Korean man, Glenn, asked me my name.

I swallowed my eggs and said "Enid. Enid Dixon."

Everyone stared at me.

"Not to be rude. But what the fuck are y'all looking at." I glared at them.

"Are you related to Daryl Dixon?" T-Dog asked.

"Yes..." I was so confused. Then I saw someone walking in the distance. He had a crossbow, a leather vest with wings, and he had the Dixon's eyes. I stood up with everyone's eyes looking at me.

As the figure got closer all I said was. "Daryl?" He looked up and stood there shocked.

"Enid? Oh my god. Enid." He ran to me as I did the same. I ran into his arms as he pulled me up. He was still hugging me when he fell to the ground sobbing.

"Who are you and what have you done with my brother." I jokingly said.

"Oh Enid. I'm so sorry. I got back to the house and you were gone. I tried following you then I found these guys-" He was rambling.

"It's okay Daryl. We are here together now." I said stopping him from continuing.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too Daryl. I missed you too."

For the rest of the day me and Daryl caught up. He told me about Merle and honestly Merle could take of himself. I'm sure he's fine. Everyone asked me the same question "How'd you survive by yourself? You're only twelve."And I'd always answer "I'm a Dixon."

I was introduced to a boy my age named Carl. It was so nice to have someone my age around. He was still stuck in bed because he was shot. Later when I went to go visit him I finally asked.

"When you got shot did it go through a deer first?"

"Yeah. Why?" Carl said.

"When I was out there I stumbled across a dead deer so I just thought."

"Well, you thought correct." He smiled. His blue eyes were mesmerizing, but I couldn't. Dixon's don't fall in love. And no one was knocking down my walls because now a days walls are the only thing that can keep you safe.

I left and went back outside. Daryl was there.

"Where can I sleep?" I asked.

"Well I'm all the way over there, and I don't want you to be away from the group so Hershel said you can sleep in the same room you were in last night."

I hugged him tightly then went back upstairs. I sat down and sketched. I drew the farm, the barn, and I mindlessly drew a picture of Sophia. It was Sophia and one word came out of her mouth "Carol."

Then I realized. A woman earlier was named Carol. And Sophia had mentioned her mom was named Carol. This could be the group. I yawned and thought about how I was gonna tell her about her daughter, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

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