Chapter 18

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I saw the prison come into view and the whole yard was full of walkers. The gates were still busted. The van I was driving was pretty long so I had an idea. I pulled in and parallel parked the van in the gate so no walkers could get in from outside. The van was low enough to the ground so no walkers could crawl underneath either. I saw Glenn in the tower and finally realize me and saw him running inside. I couldn't tell what he was saying though. I put my hood on so you couldn't see my face. I pulled the bags over my shoulders and took out an automatic gun that I had no idea what it was called and started shooting down the walkers. There was about 30. I ran as I shot them getting mostly head shots. Well if you count shooting crazily and hitting the brain a head shot. I was almost at the gate when I saw everyone running into the courtyard. They thought I was crazy shooting. I nodded towards the car and Rick understood he began to help finish off the walkers. Once I got to the gate all the walkers were gone and the van closed off walkers from getting in. Rick quickly opened the gates and Daryl ran and hugged me. I instantly fell over.

"Enid! Enid. Come on. Are you okay?" Daryl was helping me up. Glenn noticed the bags and rushed to them.

"Oh my god. Rick look at this. From all the weapons you got to this. We could take out a whole army. And there's food in here to last us months!" Glenn was throwing the bags at everyone to carry.

"You did this?" Rick asked me in disbelief.

"Yeah." I said. My voice came out louder than I expected.

"What happened?" He asked. Looking at me in concern. I slowly pulled off my hood so everyone could see and said.

"The governor."

"What?!" Daryl yelled. "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." He started to storm off.

"Well." I called after him. "Technically I think it would be a daughter of a bitch. Cause obviously if he did this to me to find out our weaknesses he obviously doesn't have balls to come in here." Daryl turned to me a small smile formed across his face. He quickly changed it into a scowl.

"Daryl. Not now." Rick said calming down my brother.

Carl came over to me and picked me up bridal style and carried me inside to Hershel.

"Well little lady. Nice to see you. Again." We both laughed at his small attempt at a joke. I saw Carl walk in and I smiled. I got up and whispered in his ear.

"I love you too." Beth and Hershel laughed as Carl blushed madly and stumbled out of the cell.

Hershel then began cleaning my wounds with the help of Beth. Hershel was reaching towards the towel that was next to me and I flinched. Beth looked at me strangely and kept working. Hershel finished cleaning my face and arms he reached for the hem of my shirt.

"May I?" He asked. I nodded and he lifted up my shirt revealing all of my old scars and all of the new bruises.
Beth gasped and excused herself running out of the cell. I hung my head feeling gross and disgusting.

"Enid don't mind her. She just doesn't like to see you hurt." Hershel said while wrapping my torso.

"Okay. You should be fine. Some bruised and fractured ribs and your cuts should heal." I was about to get up when Hershel grabbed my arm and pointed at my thigh.

"What is that?!"

"Nothing. I just hit it. I got to go. Thanks Hershel." I ran out and walked past everyone up to my cell. I put on shorts that were long enough to cover the bite mark and painfully put on the red tank top that Beth had given me. I saw my bag in the corner with everything spilling out. I picked it up shoving everything back in and put it on the bottom bunk.

I sat back and closed my eyes. I heard footsteps inside my cell and opened my eyes to see Michonne standing over me.

"You gonna tell us what happened?" Michonne asked me.

"I'll tell everyone after dinner it'd be easier." I answered. Hopefully she'd forget about it.

"Enid. It's been a while. How you've been?" Michonne said and sat next to me.

"I've been better. But I'm so glad we found you. Well that you found us." I said hugging her.

"Do they know we know each other?" I asked.

"Yeah. When you left. I was gonna follow you. So they questioned me. I told them about you, me and Andrea. But even when they thanked me for saving you and apologizing for how rude they've been they wouldn't let me go after you. It wasn't till after the governor attacked we realized it was too late." Michonne said.

"Michonne thanks again."

"For what?"

"For showing me how to use a katana. Just look out I might steal it." I smirked.

"Well I'll just have to watch out then won't I."

"I'll sneak attack you." I smiled.

"Okay. You have fun with that. I'm gonna go and set up my defense around my katana. See ya later." Michonne kissed the top of my head and left. Only to be replaced by Carol.

"Okay wanna help me make dinner so you don't have to wait up here by yourself." Carol asked.

"Sure." And we walked downstairs. Well I hobbled. We started cooking no other than ramen noodles. Soon everything was finished and we called everyone in for dinner.

"Oh my. I haven't had ramen since. I don't even know." Glenn was talking about all the things he hadn't had. And that included ramen. Which made everyone laugh.

"I miss school. Getting stuff done on a specific schedule. Seeing my friends and passing notes. I even miss my teacher. Mrs. Newyen." Beth said.

"Did you say Mrs. Newton?" Carl laughed then so did everyone else.

"No. Carl. It's pronounced. New-in." Beth explained to the very idiotic Carl.

"I miss being able to ride my horses freely." Maggie said. Which lead to everyone saying what they missed.

"I miss being able to steal pizzas from the shop. I mean I never stole anything Rick." Glenn winked afterwards which made a rupture of laughs to come around the room.

"I miss my washer. I mean have you people even smelt your clothes!" Carol laughed out. Soon everyone turned to me. Everyone stopped laughing when Carl mentioned Lori. And I was gonna change that.

"I miss my vibrator." I said. Daryl went wide eyed and Rick spit out his drink.

"Just kidding!! Geez people I kid." Everyone started laughing except Carol. Everyone looked at her and she said.

"Me too." That made everyone burst out laughing so loud we'd probably have a lot more walkers to deal with. But no one cared. At this moment we felt normal. Laughing at a get together that we planned since we were friends. But in reality. We had to have dinner together because we were family and need to survive.

Everyone started clearing out their bowls and putting them in the bucket we used to clean.

"Hershel?" I asked.

"Yes Enid."

"I um found something for you when I was in Woodbury."

"Well. Enid. I'll take that later. But right now everyone would like to know what happened." Hershel said getting everyone to gather around me intrigued.

"Geez. You guys are like a bunch of toddlers at story time." I laughed.

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