Chapter 8

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It's been about a month since the farm. I haven't given up looking for my family yet. As we walked from place to place I searched for tracks and any clues or hints that they were near.

I've grown close to Michonne and Andrea. They were like sisters to me. We were sitting in an old shed we found in the woods when I saw someone run past. Michone signaled us to stay quiet. We waited till the passer by was gone and started talking.

"Guys. We need to look for a safe place for the winter." Andrea spoke softly. And let out a deep choking cough. I handed her a water and she took a small sip. We got up and started walking. My ankle barely hurt anymore just a small throb once in a while if we've walked all day. I kept my bow at the ready and watched carefully around us and listened. I heard moans and we went the opposite way. The moans just grew louder. We were now sprinting at this point. All around us were walkers. I saw Andrea fall and Michonne standing protectively around her. She still had her damn walkers on chains. As more fell in front of her more came after me. I ran being cut off from them. There weren't as many as at the farm, but there were at least two and half dozen. My lungs were burning and my vision blurred. I saw a tree and climbed up. I was over ten feet up when I decided to stop. All the walkers clammed around me. Then a gunshot went off. Just one. I knew Andrea and Michonne wouldn't risk that. Most of the walkers left. Leaving five. The shot came from west and Michonne and Andrea were running South. I pulled out a granola bar and map from my bag. The shed we were just at was from the North. I saw there was a store on the way to the shed just about a half a mile left. Michonne said it probably wasn't safe so we skipped over it. I felt hot tears come springing out of my eyes. I had just lost my two best friends. I now truly had no family. I put everything back in my bag and tied myself to the tree making sure I wouldn't fall. I had to get rid of my tarp since it took up to much room in my bag.

I laid my head back and stared at the stars. They weren't as bright as Carl's eyes though. 'Oh Carl.' I thought to myself. 'I miss you.' I was twelve almost thirteen. Alone in the woods. In the middle of the apocalypse. I may be a Dixon, but there's only so much loss one person can take. I fall asleep to images of Beth, Carl, Daryl, Michonne, Andrea and everyone in my mind.

I woke up the next morning stiff and sore. I looked down and saw that the walkers had left. I untied myself placing the rolled up rope in my bag. I jumped down wincing. I checked listening to hear anything. Nothing. I started to walk towards the shed. Away from the gunshot. Away from the walkers. And from Michonne and Andrea. They were probably dead. I could've helped. I could've fought my way through. 'Shut up Enid.' I mentally yelled at myself. 'Feeling bad won't help the situation.'

I went towards the shed then took a left halfway there. About twenty minutes later I arrived at the store. It was called "Big Joes." It seemed like a redneck place. I knocked on the window. Loudly. I didn't want to take any chances of being trapped with thirty walkers. To my surprise only three popped out. I opened the door and they came out I stood back and shot them down. I pulled out my arrows wiping em off on the walkers clothes. I walked in with my knife out. I went up one aisle and found three cans of corn. Down another nothing. For five aisles nothing. Then I went down a cereal aisle. It had 20 bags of Cheerios, Apple Jacks, and my favorite Cocoa Puffs. I couldn't fit them all in my bag so I went in hunt of one. I found a duffle bag next to an old gross corpse. The man must've been killed holding it. I picked it up and saw stuff in it. I oped it and found a box full of throwing knives! This bag had some survival stuff in it. I put the knives, first aid kit, Swiss army knife, and an extra gun and ammo in my bag. I walked back to the cereal and took the bags out of the boxes. This would leave more room in the duffel bag. My throat was so dry. I checked the rest of the aisles and found more water bottles. I pulled out my crossbow and walked towards the back. I opened the door that said employees only and a walker jumped out. It knocked my crossbow out of my hand holding its wretched body against me. I held it back and pulled out my knife I stabbed it and grabbed my bow. I checked all the drawers and found a pair of keys. They weren't car keys though. Then I saw a safe under the desk. These are one of the many reasons I'm very thorough.

I unlocked the safe and saw a bow and arrow with about 20 arrows! I've never gotten this much in one run. I put the stuff in my bag and walked out. I stopped for a break and pulled out the box of knives. I picked out three and put them on my belt. I felt the tank top that used to be Beth's and it had the faintest smell of her. And Daryl's old leather jacket he gave to me since he got a leather vest. I sighed and stood up.

I walked for another thirty minutes aiming my knives at trees as I passed I wasn't that bad for not using them in over a year. I saw the shed as I aimed my knife at it. I pulled out the knife that had landed exactly where I wanted it too. Right in the crack of the wood. I walked around the side of the shed and saw that there were footprints in the mud next to it. I squatted down looking at where the trail lead. I might as well. I got up and walked to where the footsteps lead. Then I heard panting and grunting to the right of me. I saw a black man fighting off walkers. I took one of my knives and threw it at the last one that was about to bite him. It went straight through the walkers eye. As the guy turned around I gasped.


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