Chapter 39

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Carl's POV

We started creeping our way to the back exit and Daryl had a sad look on his face. Then we heard a scream. I immediately looked at Enid and knew she was thinking the same thing as me. We were about to go back when Daryl grabbed Enid and me.

"Don't you dare!" Daryl whisper-yelled.

We just nodded and kept going. We opened the door to the back room and blockaded it. As we hurried to the exit we saw two figures running towards us.
Daryl and Enid both raised their crossbows when one spoke out.

"Relax, it's me Karen and Alex. Have you seen David?"

"He got surrounded. We couldn't help him." Carol explained. Karen covered her mouth and a few tears spilled.

"We gotta go. Cry later." Daryl said a little too harshly.

We all started running towards the exit when loud groans came from the door to the store.

"Shit. They're coming. Hurry!" I yelled.

We pushed ourselves faster and Daryl was the first to reach the door. His fingers were fumbling with the locks and he finally took his gun and shot at it.

However, Enid was slowing down and was now way behind the rest of us. I was just about to go get her when Alex noticed and ran back to her and picked her up.

Then, the next thing I knew, a walker took a huge chunk out of Alex's neck.

"No!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and tears started spilling. Daryl turned around just in time to witness Alex falling right on top of Enid trapping her from escaping. Daryl and I were about to run after her but Carol, Sasha, and Tyreese were already dragging us out the door.

"No. Stop. We have to help!" I kicked and yelled and started hyperventilating. Karen put my head in her lap as I was pushed into the car. The next thing I knew everything went black.

Daryl's POV
I can't believe Enid is really gone. I just let her slip through my fingers. I was stuck in a daze till Carol started yelling at me that we had to go. Tyreese dragged me out as Sasha and Carol held Carl at bay. As soon as we made it out I hopped on my bike and speeded off around the building looking for any signs that Enid could escape. But there were none.

The image of her and Alex being surrounded fogs my mind. I can't unsee it.

First Merle. Now Enid. I can't go on like this. I can't let anybody else die.

After hours of driving around to stop my crying I finally made it back to the prison. I pulled in and Glenn gave me an apologetic look. His face was red and wet as if he were crying. Probably was. Enid had a huge impact on all of us.

I dragged my feet as I walked in to Cellblock C. Rick was sat in the corner with his head in his hands. Beth was holding onto Carl who gripped onto Judith for dear life. Hershel was holding onto Maggie to make up for Glenn who was standing guard. Michonne was staring angrily at the wall. I was about to look around for Carol when I felt two arms wrap around me. I didn't flinch because I knew it was her.

"Anything?" She sniffled.

"Nope. Not even Enid could get out of that." I mumbled and hung my head. Carol just held me closer and everyone just stayed like that. We were so close to each other that we knew words didn't have to be shared. No one was coming up to me and saying 'Sorry for your loss.' Because it's all our loss. We're one huge messed up family and no one else is going to be removed.

I pull away from Carol and give her a small kiss on the head and walk over to Carl.

"Beth can I borrow him for one sec?" I ask her. She nods and pulls away from Carl.

Carl stands up and follows me out to the hallway.

"Kid, listen to me. We couldn't of done anything. If you and me were to have run back in there we also would've died. It's not your fault." I kneel down next to him as I spoke.

"But it is. If I had just stayed with her. Then this wouldn't have happened. It's all my fault. I left her behind. I knew she was weaker and couldn't run that fast. I should've been there for her!" Carl fell back onto the ground cradling Judith in his arms.

"No no. If anything it's my fault. I'm her big brother. I knew it was a risk to let her go. I should've stopped her. Heck I should have at least stayed with you guys. But we can't change the past. So it's best we try and forgive ourselves. I know it won't be easy. But you have to try. Okay?" I started crying at the end and Carl nodded and started to sob. I pulled him in and Judith in close to me as we let out our feelings in a dingy hallway.

Hey guys! So, sorry to say this is the end of the story. But don't worry I'm working on the sequel. It's called Love, Lies, and Liona.
The first chapter will be up soon. Love you! 

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