Chapter 20

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"Carl!" I whisper yelled. "I almost killed you. Again!"

"Sorry you weren't at the guard watch so I came to wait here." Carl said explaining why he was in my room.

"Sorry about that. I was with Judith."

"It's fine. You're a really good artist." Carl kept looking at my sketch book.

"Thanks. Here." I said. I took the sketchbook and opened to a blank page. I pushed him down so he was sitting on the bottom bunk. I grabbed a pencil and drew Carl.

I started with his face, then his hat. I added more detail and I signed the bottom ripping out the page.

"Finished!" I handed him the page and he looked at it with an amused expression.

"Enid. This is great. Especially since you got a really hot model." Carl smirked.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I had Channing Tatum as a model." I counter attacked.

"Oh you're so funny." Carl rolled his eyes still smiling.

"I know." I sat down next to him

"So I believe I had asked a question earlier and you never answered." Carl stated.

"Well I believe that I was going to but then got interrupted." I smirked.

"Either way. You owe me an answer." He said.

"Hmmm.... NoPe." I said popping the P.

"What?" He asked his face dropping.

"I'm not going to give you my answer. Besides that was lame." I said smiling.

"What was lame? How I asked? Well what do you want me to do in the middle of the apocalypse. Get you flowers and chocolate."

"Yes!" I laughed.

"Enid co-" Carl was interrupted by Daryl.

"Hey lovebirds! Shut up. Some of us is trying to sleep!"

"Well night Carl." I said pushing him out of the door.

"No. I'm not leaving till I get an answer." Carl went to my bed and sat down.

"Well then I'll leave." I walked out of the cell when I felt Carl wrap his arms around my waist pulling me back inside.

"Carl. Let me go." I whined.

"No. Now night." Carl said laying us down on the bottoms bunk.

"Whatever." I scoffed and turned around so I was facing him. I buried my head in his chest and fell asleep in his arms.

I heard a click and opened my eyes to see Glenn and Maggie standing over me and Carl with a Polaroid camera. They saw me wake up and ran out.

"Glenn! Maggie! I'm gonna get y'all asses!" I yelled.

Carl started to stir from my yelling so I laid back down.

"Enid?" Carl said with his soft morning voice. His hot sexy morning voice might I add. Enid! Shut it! I yelled at myself.

"Yeah. Carl?"

"What did Glenn and Maggie do?"

"They may or may not have taken a picture of us." I said laughing. That caught Carl's attention he shot up, knocking me to the floor in the process.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself since I fell on my ribs. Carl just laughed not knowing how badly I was hurt. I held in my tears and pretended I was fine.

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