Chapter 15

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I could hear talking but my eyes refused to open. My eyelids felt like a thousand pounds. I gave up and listened to whoever was talking.

"Enid. God. So much has happened. Maggie and Glenn were taken. So my dad went with Daryl to go get 'em with this freaky chick who told us about it. And my mom, Lori, she died giving birth to Judith." Oh my gosh. Lori was dead. "T-Dog died. I'm sorry. Just please you have to come back to me. Please." I couldn't stand it anymore. I tried to open my eyes again. But they wouldn't. I heard Carl stand up and leave. I managed to say.

"Carl." But he didn't hear me. I tried opening my eyes but they were glued shut. I slowly brought up my arm to my eyes and pried them open. I stood up then instantly regretted it. My ankle gave out and I fell. I sat back up on the bed and stood up this time balancing on my good foot. I hopped out of the cell and saw Carl heading towards the cafeteria. I, for once HAD to, slide down the railing. I carefully got off and put a little pressure on my bad foot limping towards the cafeteria.

I walked in and saw Beth and Carl holding Judith? I haven't seen a baby in so long. Beth noticed me first and ran to me. She pulled me in a hug. Then I saw Carl run to me at full speed knocking me over. I tried to hold back my tears but it didn't work. They started to flow heavily.

"Enid? Did I hurt you!? Oh I'm sorry!" Carl started blabbering.

"No. It's not that. I heard what you said in the cell. About. About Lori." I said crying into his shoulder. He just held me tighter. After a while my sobs stopped and there were only a few stray tears. Carl picked me up and sat me at the table.

"Water." I whispered. Carl ran to get me a water and came back with a full bottle. I chugged it down not caring. I was so thirsty. Beth got Hershel to check on my ankle and head. Then there was screaming.

"I'm going." Carl stood up cocking his gun.

"No. I can't let you go out there." I said desperately trying to get him to stay.

"My father would go." Carl said then walked off.

This is what happens when you care for people. Your scared for them. And when they die you die. And right now I'm dying. T-Dog and Lori had died. Who would be next? We all went back into the cells waiting for Carl's return.

I was so tired. My eyes started burning. I walked to my cell and heaved myself to the top bunk. I took out my small bear and cuddled up with it. It always made me feel safe, but now it did nothing. Soon I fell asleep to yells of "We're not animals" and banging.

I slept for a few hours and woke up from hearing Judith cry. I "walked" downstairs and saw Rick holding Judith. They were back!

"Rick! Where's Daryl?" I asked looking around. I saw Glenn beaten up being cared for by Hershel, Maggie walking into her cell with clothes, Carol doing laundry crying, and saw strange people in the cafeteria.

"Enid. At the town we found Merle." Rick started.

"Merle? Is he alive?" I perked up thinking I was about to see both of my brothers.

"Yes. But they left. We couldn't have him here. He beat up Glenn and everyone here agrees. He couldn't stay with us." Rick said. By now my eyes burned. Tears came out and I screamed and sank to the floor.

"WHY!!! Why would he leave me?" I yelled then it turned into a small whisper. I stood up and pushed past everyone. I ran up the stairs not caring about my ankle. I ran to my cell and packed everything. My sketch book, throwing knives, everything.

I raced down stairs to be stopped by Carol.

"Enid. Don't. I can't lose you too." Carol was crying.

"Carol. I have to. I'll be back. Even if I have to knock Merle out. I will come back with Daryl." I said and walked away before she could say anything.

"Enid!" I turned to see Carl racing towards me. He hugged me. I was tense at first but relaxed. My head fit perfectly in the crook of his neck and his arms were wrapped around my waist.

"Carl. I have to go." I said releasing him.

"No. I can't let you leave me again." Carl said looking down at me.

"My brother would go." I said using the same shit he pulled on me. I started to walk away but he said the three words that I've never heard in my life. Not even from Daryl.

"I love you." Then I took off sprinting ignoring my ankle, ignoring the newcomers, and ignoring everyone telling me to stop. I ran to the gates unlocking them and running out. I saw Rick on the outside of the gates as well staring at something. Then I saw her. Lori. In the white dress. I turned and ran into the woods. I stopped after I felt like my ankle was going to fall off. I probably should've waited till it healed but hell. I'm a Dixon.

I saw some tracks and started to follow them. They lead all the way back to the prison. I stopped when I heard gunshots. I ran towards the prison and saw it being attacked. A van rammed through the gates then released dozens of walkers through the gates. I shot some down then felt a bag go over my head.

"Hey! Let me go!" I yelled at my kidnapper. But I just felt something come down and hit my head hard. I wasn't unconscious, but they thought I was. And I wish I was. My head and ankle killed. I was thrown in a car and felt it take off.

"Should we bring her back?" A male voice said.

"Yeah. Looks like she was just wandering the woods. Must be lost or something." A female voice said.

Oh thank god. They didn't know I was with the prison group. Maybe I could play along. Especially if Daryl didn't care about me. I could do something to help the prison. The car jolted to a stop and someone picked me up and pulled me out of the car. Not knowing I was awake they whispered.

"Welcome to Woodbury."

Authors note

Hey everyone thanks for reading. I know the first few chapters were iffy but thanks for still reading! Love you my walkers!

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