Chapter 35

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"Dude. Just leave. There's no point in this." Lincoln tried to reason with his friend but Johnny was kind of psychotic. Not in a good way either. All of a sudden Johnny stopped and Lincoln stumbled into him. However, Lincoln purposely did this and dropped something in Johnny's pocket.

"Lincoln just go back to the Cellblock. By the time I'm done and people start looking I'll be long gone. Just shut up and leave." Johnny growled and pointed the gun at Lincoln and he scampered away. Johnny knew Lincoln wouldn't tell anyone. I mean. He was pretty sure.

Carl pulled Enid closer as they inched their way farther down the roof. Carl looked back and swore under his breath. He had forgotten his hat. He stretched his hand out to grab it but a foot stomped down on his hand. Carl let out a groan and Enid stood up ready to fight if necessary. Which it probably was. Johnny swiftly removed his foot and pointed his gun down at Carl's head.

"Let him go!" Enid growled, which would've scared most people, but not Johnny. He was scarier. His face was all puffy and bruised from Enid's punchings.

"Not how it's going to work baby doll. First, you're going to take off that cute little shirt of yours and then we can talk." Johnny's voice was low and demanding. Like the Governors. Her face did not change but Carl's did.

"Leave her be!" He yelled out in frustration and dived at the other boy on the roof. Johnny was expecting this and pivoted his feet. Carl dived right past him and almost off the roof. Johnny caught his flannel collar right before he fell and it choked Carl. He pushed Carl to the ground and he punched him in the head once causing him to grown and Enid to whimper.

"Don't think I won't. Cause you know I will!" Johnny's eyes were evil and Enid believed he would kill Carl as the barrel pressed against his head.

The strong willed teen began to turn into the frail girl she had been and her expression was soft and sad. No longer a grimace. She removed her leather jacket first then slowly grabbed the hem of her shirt. Carl was the only boy she had ever let see her in a bra. And that was from behind. Now it was her front and Johnny held Carl's head so he stared at me and made it even harder. He was making it as hard for Enid as possible. She then began to pull the shirt over her head. She wanted to throw up when she saw Johnny lick his dry cracked lips. He motioned for her to drop it and she did. The little material of the black shirt fell to the ground below the roof and Enid was left exposed. She crossed her arms around her chest and Johnny just shook his head and tisked. Enid understood and her arms dropped to her sides. Carl closed his eyes in respect of the poor girl that stood in front of him but Johnny forced Carl's eyes open. But Carl's gaze never shifted from her face.

"What's the fun if you don't watch Carl? I mean. There really would be no point," Johnny chuckled a short evil laugh and continued. "Okay. Here's what's gonna happen you and me are gonna have a little fun while cowboy here watches and then I'll let 'em live. But only if I'm satisfied." Johnny said the last part in a disgusting seducing voice. Enid shuddered and Carl started to shout profanities and for Enid to run. All Johnny had to do was move the gun towards Enid and Carl shut right up.

"You said we'd talk." Enid stuttered getting nervous.

"We did. I said something and you just said something. That's talking. Now take off your pants." Johnny pointed at Enid's dark pants and she looked down at herself. Her pants were old and gross even though she just put them on. And her combat boots were in need of replacing. She bent down and started to untie her shoes. Carl's eyes pleaded with hers but she wasn't trying to think. Only do.

Then Enid felt cool metal from her boot. Her knife! She doubt she had the strength to kill him. She had lost so much blood and was still recovering. On the other hand she didn't want to get raped again. Especially in front of Carl. But if she messed up her attack Johnny could kill Carl. She was weighing her options in her head when he snapped her out of it.

"Hey bitch. Fucky McGee. Let's get a move on. I'm starting to think you might not come through. I mean I might have to take Carl. I am bi. And besides he is a virgin. Fresh meat." Johnny slightly grinded on Carl and he wanted to throw up. But he didn't want Enid getting hurt. He mother the word 'no' to her but she was getting furious at this.

He dared speak of Carl this way?! He dared to hurt her family? She was fed up with him and life. She had never wanted to be weak agin and here she was letting this happen. Carl had blinded her. But he also guided her along the way. She was so confused about her feelings. But there was one thing she wasn't confused about. She was about to stab a bitch.

While this was happening Lincoln had run off. But not back to his Cellblock but back to Cellblock C. It took him longer than he thought to find the right Cellblock. It took exactly 15 minutes. He prayed he wasn't too late. Once he reached the door he tried to open it but it was locked. He started to bang on it very loudly and yell. Soon Rick stumbled out pulling on his shoe.

"What the hell kid? Its like 5:30am. Is there a problem?" Rick immediately woke up when he realized the urgency in the kids voice.

"Enid and Carl they're in trouble! Especially Enid. You need to hurry!" Lincoln's voice carried so Daryl had obviously heard it since he was listening in. He jumped out of his perch and ran down the stairs. Each step boomed throughout the Cellblock. If Lincoln's yelling hadn't waken them up Daryl's footsteps sure did. Soon everyone joined Rick and Lincoln, extremely groggy from being up so early when they all got little sleep. They all snapped awake as they heard Lincoln rushing through his explanation to Rick as he gathered his weapons in two seconds. Daryl, Rick, and Lincoln rushed out first with everyone else not far behind. They were sleepy but Lincoln's words filled them with adrenaline. All they could think was not again.

Michonne was faster than everyone except Daryl and she prayed that they made it in time.

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