Chapter 13

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I woke up to whispers. I slowly sat up and saw everyone crowding around the cell.

"Enid. You've been such a sweetheart." Carol said coming over to me.

I hop off the bed and shrug.

"How's he doing?" Carl asked peering over everyone's shoulders.

I bent down in front of Hershel and checked his pulse and for a fever.

"His pulse is coming up, and still no fever." I said standing up. I looked at everyone at the door, but Daryl, Rick, Glenn, and T weren't there.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked turning to Lori.

"Oh they just went to check out the armory." Lori said.

We all walked out leaving Beth and Maggie to talk. I spotted Carl trying to slide down the railing.

"Try side saddling it." I said.

"I can't balance like that." Carl pointed out.

"Well. Have fun." I turned around and started to walk out.

"Wait!" Carl yelled. I spun around and saw him sliding down very wobbly and he fell on the stairs halfway down.

"Don't you dare." Carl wagged his finger at me.

"Do what?" I smirked.

"Say 'I told you so.'" Carl said it in such a high voice I couldn't stop giggling. Carl ran after me and I dodged his grasp. I was running up the stairs now with Carl close behind. I stopped when I heard Beth start screaming. I ran towards the cell and saw that Hershel wasn't breathing and Lori was doing CPR on him. I went around Lori to the other side of Hershel checking his forehead. When Lori stopped I put my ear to his mouth listening for breath. Then I felt Hershel's arm fly up and wrap around me. Everyone was screaming and pulling me out of his grasp. Then Hershel let go and his arm fell, he began to snore peacefully.

I let out out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I grabbed his hand and sat down. There was a creaking sound of a door which meant they were back. Carl ran out to tell his Dad what happened. Rick came in and Hershel started to say something. And his eyes fluttered open.

"Daddy!" Beth cried. Everyone huddled around him. Hershel took Ricks hand before passing back out. Rick handed Hershel back to Beth and Maggie and walked out. The rest of us followed. Rick, Glenn, Carol, T, Maggie, and Daryl went to get the cars. Everyone else stayed inside. I got up from the table I was at in the "cafeteria" and walked outside. The sun was so hot today. I walked through the pavement and onto the field of grass. I sat down and looked up at the sky. I was like that for a long him till I heard the cars pull in. I walked down towards them to help. Rick started to tell us the plan when Carol noticed that Glenn, and Maggie weren't here.

"They're up in the guard tower." Daryl pointed up towards the tower.

"Guard tower? They were just up there last night." Rick said a smile on his face.

"Glenn! Maggie!" I shouted.

Glenn came out buttoning up his pants and Maggie's hair was all over the place.

"Gross!" I yelled.

"You coming or what. We need help."
Daryl called up.

We all started laughing when we saw the two prisoners that were left come out. Rick ran up to them and started yelling at them. I felt bad for them they didn't do anything wrong. I just waited till Rick sent them away. I walked over and we discussed what we would do.

"You want them to sleep in a cell next you? You want to go back to sleeping with one eye open?" Rick questioned T.

"Never stopped." T replied.

"I agree with T." I said.

"They're convicts." Carol replied.

"So? We've done worse than them. Daryl and I grew up with people like them. They ain't psychos." I argued.

"She's right. But I'd rather them take their chances out on the road." Daryl sneered.

For now Rick said to just keep working. So we drove the cars up. I got to drive one up! This car was a little different but it wasn't too bad. It took about 10 minutes to get the cars through everything and parked. I hopped out and saw Hershel coming out on crutches. I heard Glenn yell "Good job Hershel!"

I ran up to him almost pushing him over with a hug.

"Woah there lassy." Hershel said hugging me back. "I haven't had time to thank you yet. So thank you. Lori told me how you stayed and cared for me. Looks like a mini doctoerette." I smiled at Hershel's comment and felt proud.

"Ready to race Hershel?" Carl said playfully.

"Give me another day. I'll take you on." Hershel said smirking.

I heard the moans before I saw the walkers. I looked behind Hershel and there was a huge pack of them.

"Look out. Walkers!!" I yelled. Everyone started running and Rick was yelling to get Lori and Carl out of there. I shared a look with Daryl and he mouthed something I couldn't understand. My crossbow was inside damnit! I took out my gun from its holster and shot the walkers. T was running for the gate so I followed him with Carol. I saw T-Dog close the gate and I screamed.

He just got bit.

Carol, T and I ran inside trying to figure out way of the tombs.

"You should stop." Carol said crying.

"And wait to die? No." T said holding the back of his neck in pain.

"I'll do whatever I can to stop you from turning into one of those things." I said holding T back.

"There's nothing you can do." T said pushing forwards.

"It's the pact remember." I said.

"No. God is gonna help me get you guys out of here." T said dragging me behind him. Then we saw walkers Carol tried shooting, but we were out of ammo. T-Dog turned to me and hugged me.

"Enid. You're an amazing girl stay strong."

"T wait I have a knife." I said crying.

"No. I have to do this. Go!" T yelled while running the walkers into the wall holding them back as they tore his skin off.

"No!!" Me and Carol were both yelling and running away out the door. We got out and kept running. I had no idea where we were. Carol and I both kept aimlessly walking around trying to find a way out. Then I saw walkers down the hall. I pushed Carol in a cell.

"I'll lead them away. Then as soon as it's clear you run and find your way back." I told Carol.

"Enid no. You'll die." Carol sounded so tired. I just closed the door and ran in front of the walkers. As soon as I passed them they followed me.

Oh shit. I'm gonna die. My legs are staring to feel numb and it keeps getting darker. I turn around and there's about a small group of about six walkers following me. There was one slightly in front so I stabbed it and pushed its body into the rest of them. I took a left and saw a white arrow. I followed it but then I heard moans from where it lead. I took a right and saw a door. I opened it and quietly closed it. It was the infirmary! I walked around checking for any walkers thankfully there were none. I sat down exhausted. I didn't know my way back and I was too tired to care. My throat was dry and my eye lids were getting harder to keep open. Soon I fell into darkness.

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