Chapter 11

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I was sitting in the grass currently waiting for the small group consisting of Maggie, Glenn, Rick, T, and Daryl to clear out the courtyard. I wish they had let me go in, but Daryl said if I waited I could help them clear the rest. Not like he'd remember, but I'd take him up on that. While I was sitting Carol and Lori were talking.

"Can you see them?" Lori asked.

"Back there?" Carol answered in more of a question. I got up and walked towards the fence. I could here moaning and yells, but I couldn't see anything. Then I saw them. But they weren't coming to us. They went inside!

"What's happening? Were they supposed to go inside?" Carl sounded scared when he said this. I started to climb the fence. But Lori stopped me.

"Enid. Get down from there."

I just sat on top of the fence zoning everything out. Lori just sighed and dropped the subject.

I looked at the prison inspecting every detail. It was gray and there were dead bodies everywhere. Some areas were brick, and there were bleachers. Debris was everywhere. Then there was a creaking sound. I looked down and saw Glenn come out the door and whistle. Motioning for us to go in. I hopped down from the fence, earning a glare from Lori. We walked in with our bags, and weapons at the ready.

We went into Cellblock C. It was trashed and blood was everywhere. So it was the same as everywhere else we've been. I plopped my bag down at the doors and ran up the stairs toward the guard watch box thing. Daryl had already claimed that area and I quote. 'I ain't sleeping in no cell. I'll take the perch.' He was a Dixon alright or a bird. I didn't wanna sleep in a cell either, but there was no other choice.

I saw Carl walking out of Beth and Hershel's cell chuckling.

"Hey Carl!" I yelled. He looked towards me and I slid down the railing of the stairs. I landed on my feet and stood up smiling.

"Show off." Carl muttered.

"I heard that." I called after him as he headed up the stairs. He just smiled and kept walking.

I grabbed my bag and went back up the stairs. I went down the left and claimed the last cell down the left. Carls was right next to mine. I put my bag on the bottom bunk, but my crossbow was still in my hands. I wasn't ready to all of a sudden just stop fighting. No matter what. I will never feel safe. But hey, never say never right?

"I can't believe this." I whispered to myself. I heard something move behind me.

"Neither can I."

I quickly turned around, my bow in position pointing at the intruder.

"Carl! Don't EVER scare me like that!" I yelled at him.

"Well. Now I know." He said.

"Cause next time. I will not hesitate." I said making my voice jokingly deep.

"You wouldn't kill all this." He smirked motioning to himself.

"Out!" I said, pushing him playfully. He threw his arms in the air in defeat and left.

I sat back down, this time placing my crossbow down on the old sink. I looked around the cell. It was gray covered in blood, with one shelf across from the bunk bed. Above the sink was a mirror. I looked at myself expecting to see the same person that I knew a year ago, but I was wrong. My face had gotten slimmer from the lack of food, my chest was bigger, and my hair had grown. I was now a few inches taller, and I was thin enough for abs if I tried. Probably wouldn't hurt. I needed the muscle anyway. I pushed the thought back and climbed up my bunk.

I leaned over the edge and pulled my bag up. I grabbed my hairbrush that I found in a little girls room about two weeks ago. I got out all of the old hair, but never got around to doing my own. I pulled my hair out of the messy bun it was in and brushed it. I started from the bottom and worked my way up. It took me a good twenty minutes and a few tears and finally it was done. I braided my hair down the back and tied it off with one of my elastics on my wrists. I had one on each ankle though just in case, and it was kind of my style I guess. Well as much style you could get in the apocalypse. I put the bobby pin back in my hair for "safety" reasons. I took out the small medical book and flipped open the page I marked. I hadn't been able to read all winter. I was on volume 4, "Wounds, and How To Dress Them." I was halfway through when I started to get tired. I threw my bag down and laid down.

It usually takes me a while to fall asleep, but this time as soon as my head hit the thin mattress I was out.

"T! T!" I was yelling for T-Dog as we were getting in the cars. We were escaping a herd and he was supposed to be driving.

"Enid! Drive! Go! Now!" T-Dog was yelling at me to leave without him. Slim chance that was going to happen. I got in the drivers seat with Beth and Hershel in the back. I drove the car a few feet forward then stopped and turned towards T.

"Enid! What are you doing!?" Beth was crying from the back seat. I tuned them out and kept driving, pushing walkers out of the way. I stopped pushed open the side door to where T was fighting off walkers.

"Get in!" I yelled. He turned around and dashed in the car. He smiled then it quickly turned into a frown.

"What did I tell you?"

"T. You've saved my ass and everyone else's a million times. Its about time I paid you back." I said while driving full speed away from the herd.

We were driving for a while and T showed me how to drive properly as we went.

"Beth you paying attention back there?" T said smiling. She gave a small smile back.

"It's so easy to drive out here. No cars, or traffic to worry about. Only an idiot could crash." I said.

T-Dog smiled, and Hershel let out a small chuckle.

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