Chapter 30

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Before we begin. I'd like to say if there's any other writers out there who wanna chat or need help or have a good book that I can read. Just comment or message me. I'd love to hear it!

Shoutout to rembertpower If you like Avatar/Legends of Korra you should check out their book. They're just starting up, but it's a good read. Thanks for reading. You may continue with your normal broadcasting.


"And trust me. I never miss." I growled at the boy Johnny. Carl hadn't seen me
grab the knife before we left so his face was full on surprised. I kept glaring at the boys as they walked off and they were replaced with the adults. But I didn't care. My anger surged through me, powering me to stand up. Rick, Maggie, Daryl, Glenn, Michonne, and Carol walked over and stares at me. Hershel and Beth were trying to keep the Woodbury people in check.

"What was that?" Rick returned my glare as his words filled with annoyance. I narrowed my eyes at him and spoke, my words full of venom.

"They offended me."

"You can't just go throwing knives at people when they offend you!" Ricks anger was starting to show. "These people are a part of us now. And you're gonna have to deal with it." Everyone's faces looked to me then back at Rick, to me again. Their faces showed shock and worry. My face though? It showed complete disgust and anger.

"I am dealing with it! You just don't understand!" I almost yell in their faces.

"What don't we understand? That you're throwing a hissy fit because things aren't going your way?" Daryl lectured me. Clearly annoyed with my bitchiness.

"No. You don't know what happened!" I yelled at Daryl pushing him at Rick as he walked towards me.

"What the fuck happened then?" Daryl mumbled putting his face in his hands. Before I could speak Carl was next to me again and spoke.

"Johnny said he was surprised Enid was good for anything other than... Other than fucking." Carl mumbled the last part since he wasn't allowed to swear.

"That son of-" Daryl started, but I cut him off. My voice was scratchy and filled with hatred. I was on the brink of tears and losing it.

"Not just then. You don't know what happened. Why it set me off! You weren't there! As always. I can't take this!" I screamed at him. "None of you know shit. So, keep your dumbass mouths shut before you start making assumptions. Because I'm not the one at fault here!"

"Enid. No ones saying that." Carl whispered trying to soothe me. I backed away and everyone stepped forward.

"You don't understand. You don't understand. You don't understand!" My voice becoming louder and louder every time. My anger was soon becoming sadness. I couldn't let that a happen again. "I am not weak!" I yelled. I ripped out the IVs and turned to see Johnny facing away from me, laughing. He was probably laughing at me. But he wouldn't be for long. With all the energy I had left. I pounced on him.

The air was knocked out of him as we hit the cement ground hard. I swung at him and my fist connected with his jaw. And again and again I swung. Landing on his cheek, jaw, and anywhere else on his face I could reach. All of my anger spilled out and onto Johnny. Soon, I felt hands start to try and pull me away.

"Don't ever touch me, talk to me, or breathe near me again!" I yelled in his bruised and bloody face. I was crazed and insane. 'Inshane' I thought to myself and laughed a evil laugh as hands dragged me away from Johnny. My adrenaline stopped pumping and my anger was then switched to pain. I shoved my way out of the hands and let out all of the food in my stomach onto the ground. Not much came out.

"Gross." I heard someone mumble from the Woodbury section. I picked my head up and glared their way.

"You really want to say that right now?" I told them, annoyed.

I stood up and pushed through Rick, Michonne, and Daryl. The ones who had dragged me away. I passed Carl and his face made my throat drop to my stomach. I looked away and bit my lip. I stepped forwards once and my leg jiggled. I stepped again and I held my side as my leg buckled and I fell to my knees. I stared at the ground and held my breath. The medication Hershel had given me was starting to wear off. My side started to burn. One tear escaped my eye and I swore at myself.

"I'm not weak." I assured myself. Arms went around my side and I was surprised to find Beth holding me. She was probably the only one that I could tolerate right now. And Maggie. We walked away from the crowd. Rick and Daryl started talking to Carl, but he was more confused. Two seconds I was fine, and the next. I was full out crazy.

Once we made it to my cell Beth laid next to me on my bed.

"I missed you." I squeaked out timidly, afraid of what she might say.

"Enid. What the hell was that?" Beth asked me. I stayed silent and looked away from her stare. "I know you. You wouldn't attack without a good reason. Please. I'm your best friend. Tell me." Beth begged.

"Beth. It was so long ago. But the memories are so fresh. Oh god. I just. I don't know. It made me snap when Johnny said that. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I just couldn't. His words felt like someone stabbed me with a knife that was on fire covered in alcohol and barbed wire. I wanted to kill him. I really wanted to. But I didn't. I can't tell if that was weak or strong." I confided. I turned back to Beth and buried my head in her arms.

"Oh Enid. Forgiveness takes a lot more strength than revenge. Even if you don't forgive him. Not killing him was not weak. It's anything but. What I don't understand is, why you let it get to you that much? Why does it bother you this much. You're not weak. What happened that would you make think that?" Beth's eyes were full of sadness and pity.

"That's the thing though. I don't want to be seen as weak. If I tell you, you'll look at me with pity like you do right now." I whispered. I couldn't take people looking at me with pity. I was strong. And I knew it. I didn't cared what others thought. As long as they didn't look at me as if they had to watch themselves around. Not in afraid way, but in a 'she's a fragile child' way.

"Enid. How many times do we have to tell you. You are not weak!" Beth shook my shoulders as if it would help lodge the words into my mind.

"But that's just it. I'm not weak. But I was."

Authors Note
Hey survivors! Thanks for voting! I was wondering if I should change my username to Shea.twd or Shea.twd_addixon? Comment if I should or if you like twd_addixon or any other names you'd like. Remember to share, comment, and vote! I love you guys so much! And if you ever need anything you can message me. I love talking to you guys!
Comment down below if you want another chapter tonight. I need motivation!

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