Chapter 22

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I slowly woke up expecting Carls arms to be around me but that's not what happened. I woke up tied to a chair in the governors torture room.

"No!" I yelled. "No. No. No!" I cried. Not because of the bruises on my body but that everything had been a dream. I looked down at my thigh and saw that there was no bite. I sighed. My crying soon became anger.

I stood up and slammed the chair down. Nothing. I tried again and it broke.

"Fuck!" I whisper yelled.

I quickly stood up and took my knife out. I looked at the ground and saw a dead walker. I must've actually killed a walker. I couldn't remember anything. Then I heard footsteps.

I hid under the table and saw the governors feet walk beside me. I quickly kicked my legs under his making him fall to the ground. Before he could do anything I got up and stabbed him in his eye. I was about to stab him in his head. About to end everything. When I heard voices. I stood up and ran out of the cell. I locked the door and snuck away from the voices.

I tiptoed behind a bookcase, but I had to squeeze in since there was only a few inches available. I watched through the books as men ran to the governor as he walked out holding his eye. Which made me smile.

"Get her!! She escaped! Find her!" The governor yelled. A woman came up and grabbed his arm and guides him to I'm guessing the infirmary.

I watched as they all grabbed weapons and ran out. No one stayed behind. Idiots. I peeped out making sure there was no one. I pulled myself out and ran against the wall. I looked over the corner and ran. I ran through the building looking for an exit. But instead I ended up in the weaponry. I saw my crossbow and grabbed it. I didn't have enough time to grab all of the weapons. But I- we at the prison needed more.

I grabbed a duffel bag and just threw a bunch of guns, silencers, and even a couple grenades. I pretty much cleared it out when I heard a voice.

"One sec! I need more ammo!" It was a man. I pulled my crossbow and as soon as the guy came into view I let it fly. It went straight through the eye.

I zipped up the bag and threw it over my shoulder. I collected my arrow and ran to the door. I looked out and saw guards left and right. Night had already come so it was hard to see.

"Shit." I whispered then winced. This bag was heavy and it hurt like a bitch on my body.

I ran back from where I came and looked around. To the left was a hallway and right was stairs. I decided on the stairs since the whole building was surrounded. I went two steps at a time making my body hurt even more. I  opened the door and there were no lookouts. Wow they are idiots. I crouched and made it to the edge. I looked over, there was a branch a few feet away and down. The tree lead over the wall. I could get to it if there weren't so many guards.

I looked around the roof and saw a rock. Yes! I grabbed it and saw a metal trashcan on the other side. I threw the rock at it successfully making a loud crash. All the guards ran towards the noise. I swiftly threw the bag over the fence and stood on the edge. I aimed and jumped towards the tree branch. I landed on the branch with my arms wrapped around it. I whimpered and felt tears start to fall. I crawled to the end of the branch connecting to the tree trunk. I jumped down rolling. I grabbed the bag and hobbled away as fast as I could. I found the road and started walking.

I was walking for a while, a lot of lefts and rights when my eyes started to get fuzzy. I tripped over my own feet and saw a small ditch. I crawled in and put the bag on top of me, trying to cover myself. I then passed out.

Carl sat across from me and Beth was on my side. I looked around alarmed.

"How did I get here?" I asked.

"Enid. You've always been here." Beth said confused.

"No. No. I passed out. In a ditch." I said walking away.

I looked at myself. I was wearing a black dress and I had no cuts or bruises. I ran outside and I could hear footsteps following me.

"No!" They all yelled. I opened the door and realized why. There were no fences anymore. Walkers started to tear me limb from limb. I screamed in agony as I saw my family being ripped apart.

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