Chapter 9

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"T?" I asked in disbelief.

He looked at me and his eyes went wide.

"Enid. Oh my god!" He ran and hugged me. I wasn't very touchy feely, but I hadn't seen the guy in over a month. He released me and I had to ask.

"Are you with the group?" I asked hoping so badly he was.

"Yeah yeah I am." He smiled. "They'll be so happy. Especially Carl. Oh and if they ask I saved you." He winked and we both laughed.

"What no thank you?" I eyed him playfully.

"Okay. Thanks." He said laughing. I slung my bag over my shoulder and we were off.

"What happened after we got separated?" I asked looking at him.

"Well, we all went to the highway meeting up. And we've been going from house to house. Daryl never stopped looking though. None of us did. But it's gotten hard with Loris pregnancy and after Sophia it was hard." I nodded and we continued.

I saw a blue house and T-Dog walked up to it. I stopped and stood still. I can't believe it I was going to see my family. I ran to catch up with him and he opened the door.

"Wait for my cue." He said as he walked inside.

"Guys..." I heard T-Dog say. I looked through the window and saw everyone looking at him. There stood Daryl with no emotion as usual. T continued.

"I don't want y'all to be upset. But I found something." He said it like it was sad. That evil little prick I laughed to myself at his way of doing this.

"What is it?" Rick said. He sounded concerned. Like maybe T was bit or something.

"Well, as I went to go look for some food I got attacked by walkers." T-Dog said trying to hold back a smile. Rick
shot up.

"Are you bit?" He said.

"No." Everyone relaxed and looked at him for an explanation. "But I did stumble upon something." He looked towards me. That was my cue.

I walked into the room where all of my family stood. Beth, Maggie, Hershel, Glenn, Lori, Rick, Carol, Daryl, and my best friend Carl. Everyone stared. Daryl ran to me. I dropped my stuff just as he scooped me up.

"Oh God Enid. I missed you so fucking much. Promise to never leave me again." He said holding me.

"Daryl you know I can't promise you that. But I promise I'll try." I answered. I would never promise something I knew I couldn't keep. Especially in this world.

Next Carl rushed to me. He didn't say anything just hugged me. Then everyone was crying and hugging me.

"I've missed you guys all so much." I said.

"What happened to you?" Rick asked.
I smiled remembering the thought of being with Andrea and Michonne.

"Well I had run inside to get my stuff and when I came out I couldn't see you. I then saw Andrea running into the woods so I followed. We were together running until she tripped and I was fighting off a walker. The walker had pushed me down causing me to twist my ankle. This woman came and saved us. I was with them this whole time."

"Oh god. I saw Andrea go down." T-dog said.

"She saved me. Is she alive?" Carol asked.

"I don't think so. We were separated by a herd and we went in opposite directions. I climbed up a tree, but a gunshot distracted them and I got away. For them I don't know." I said. Carol shook her head sadly.

"Well, we're glad your back." Hershel said patting my back.

"Oh. Hershel I almost forgot." I pulled out the small stack of books. "I've almost finished all of them. But they're so tiny that print is so hard to read." I laughed.

He took one and smiled. "Looks like we've gotten another doctor in the house." He said. Everyone smiled then. I finally felt safe.


Everyone was huddled in the living room while Daryl and I sat on the porch.

"Enid. You are one badass mother fu-"
I interrupted him before he could finish.

"I know." I said smugly. He just laughed.

"I was looking for you forever, but there were no traces of you."

"I was always moving. And I was searching for you too. Absolutely nothing."

"I was moving around too." We both sat there just enjoying each others company. A bush moved and we both immediately stood up.

"Let me." I said and threw my knife. It was my favorite out of the throwing knives. It was gold and had flowers on it. I named it kindness so I could kill people with kindness, as that expression goes. The knife lodged into this walkers head. It just went above the eye.

"Wow. Good shot. Again. You a badass." Daryl said almost if he were proud?

"Thanks. It was a little to high though." I said as I went to receive my knife.

"What's with you and the whole right eye thing?" Daryl looked at me puzzled.

I groaned. "Ugh. Animals and stuff I shoot in the right eye. Walkers the left. And humans the middle between the eyes. Well except when I'm close up. It's like ok time for a headshot. So a bye bye."

"Cool system. But why?" He asked again.


"Cause why?" He smirked knowing he was pressing my buttons.

"It keeps me sane. Knowing that I know the difference between something living and dead. That no matter what someone does. They never deserve to turn." I explained.

"Some do." He scowled.

"No. Because they probably weren't like that before." I said concluding.

"Your pretty deep... in shit."

"Daryl shut up. You know I'm right. And plus I'd rather have them dead. Than trying to eat me. Besides if they were really bad they'll rot in hell."

Daryl finally gave in.

"True. It's better to try and save the world than get revenge. But if someone ever try's to hurt you I'll kill them Seven times over." Daryl said.

"Promise?" I asked holding out my pinky smiling.

"Promise." He shook my pinky with his.

"And Daryl I promise to do the same. But they were gonna wish they was dead the first time after the millionth time." We both chuckled and talked throughout the night.

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