Chapter 3

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I was up around 10:00am since I stayed up late sketching. Today was the day Carol found out about her daughter. Ugh. How was I supposed to tell her? I packed up all my stuff so I could find a place to sleep with the group. I put on my leather jacket and felt something in the pocket. I pulled a piece of paper out. It was Sophia's letter to Carol.

I walked outside seeing Carl up and walking around.

"Hey." I said walking towards him. Just friends, no hurt.

"Hey. Enid what's up?" Carl said looking up from where he was doing math with Lori?

"Hello. Enid would you like to join?" Lori said. She must be Carl's mother.

"Um. Maybe later." I wouldn't mind to have something else to focus on than death. "Have y'all seen Carol?"

"I think she went to help look for Sophia?" Lori said it as more of a question.

"Oh. Um. Lori when do they get back?"

"I'd say about an hour?"

"Ok. Can I join then?" I had always like school, but not the whole social part about it.

"Of course sweetie. Right now we're practicing fractions."

I was trying to focus on the work, but at the back of my mind was Carol. I was trying to figure out what 3/4 multiplied by 5/9 was when I heard Shane start yelling.

We ran towards the house and saw Shane handing out guns.

"Are you gonna protect your own?!" Shane looked at Glenn. Glenn grabbed the gun. T-Dog then saw something in the distance.

"Oh shit." Shane started running and yelling towards Rick who had things on a stick.

Shane was yelling at Hershel and Rick.

Then he shot it. "Why does it keep coming! There's its heart. And it's still coming."

"Shane! Enough!" Rick yelled at him.

"Yeah, that is enough." Then Shane went up to the thing and shot it through the head.

Hershel stopped and froze while Shane went up to the barn and opened the door.

Things spilled out and everyone was shooting. Rick was telling Hershel to take the thing. Hershel didn't move and no one else stepped up so I ran up to him taking it. Shane turned around shot the thing down. Blood was spattered all over me. I looked at all the bodies and Sophia wasn't there.

"Wait." I said. Everyone turned to me. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I didn't know."

"What do you mean?" Rick looked at me confused.

"Sophia." Was all I said.

Then, if on cue, Sophia as one of those things started to walk out. Carol was running to her sobbing, but Daryl held her back. Rick put up his gun, but I walked forward to her.

I held her back with one arm. "Sophia. I'm so sorry." I sobbed then I put my knife through her soft skull. Then Carol finally got out of Daryl's grasp and ran over. She held Sophia and sobbed. I could hear Shane yelling at Hershel.

"You knew!"

"Otis must've put her in there." Hershel said barely above a whisper.

"No. That's not what happened." I barely whispered.

Shane's head snapped towards me.

"What the fuck do you mean?!"

"I was with her. I didn't know you were her group. I just wanted to forget."

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