Prelude 💖

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Sunday, March 16th
Nobody's pov
215 words

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Stan sighed softly as he sat in the circle of all his friends. Well, not all- Kyle was absent. Seeing that it was Sunday- school night, instead of being out at a college party like Stan and the others, he was being responsible and staying home, getting some sleep.
"Stan!" Cartman shouted
"Huh?" "Were you listening? I said truth or dare dumb ass!" He said crankily.
"Right.. Uh, Dare."
Cartman thought a moment, chuckling to himself
"Alright. Well, I've heard through the grapevine that Kyle has a bit of a thing for you, romantically that is." Stan gave a confused look
"What the hell does that have to do with this!?"
"I dare you to pretend to date him for a whole month and then break up with him." Cartman said with an evil grin.
"What!? No way!"
“Dude you have to! You can't  just not do a dare!" Kenny said, looking at him. Stan huffed, looking at the ground "Fine! Fine, I'll do it."
Stan blocked out the rest of the game after that.
He didn't want to hurt Kyle, even if it wasn't true that he didn't like him like that. Kyle was his Super Best Friend. Was he really going to go through with this?

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