Chapter Thirty-Three 💖

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Sunday, May 30th
Stan’s POV
3,120 Words
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The next morning I woke up in Gary's bed shirtless and only in my boxers with my arms wrapped around him as he laid on my chest. I rubbed my eyes, yawning softly. Gary looked amazing right now, his cute blonde messy hair, his gentle breaths he would take. I watched his chest slowly rise and fall, smiling softly to myself.

He chuckled a bit and peaked one of his eyes open to see if I was awake. His eyes looked sleepy, making me chuckle, “Good morning.” I whispered to him. He looked at me and giggled slightly, “Good morning Stan.” He replied, reaching his hand into my hair and softly caressing it. I smiled, looking at him lovingly. Memories from last night flooded my brain and hit me like a train. My face got a little red remembering it, as I now realized the both of us were only in boxers. We had barely had just enough energy left after showering together to put them on before falling fast asleep in each other's embrace.

He smirked. My expression must've made it clear I had remembered last night, “Did the memories come flooding back?” He asked, smirking more. I chuckled, “Yeah. That was pretty amazing honestly.” “And from how loud you were, I'm assuming that was your first time being a bottom.” He said, smirking and making me go red.

“Well…” I started, a little embarrassed to admit something like that. “You did good, don't worry.” He whispered into my ear, kissing my cheek. I smiled at the sensation.

“What time is it?” I asked him. He glanced over at his alarm clock and sighed, “Dang, it's already 10. I have work in an hour or two.” Gary told me. “Aw..” I complained a little.

It then went silent for a moment before he would gently get off of me and lie beside me. We both sat up, sitting beside each other. He looked cute shirtless. I think there was an overall elephant in the room that needed to be addressed, and he didn't seem to be acknowledging it so I figured I'd say it. “So.. Now that we slept together and all…” I started, pausing as his eyes went to me, “Yeah..?” “What does this mean for us?” I asked.

“Like, us as in, our relationship?” He questioned. “Yeah, that's it.” I told him, nodding. “Oh, jeez… I don't know.” He chuckled a bit.

“Did you.. Have anything in mind?” “Well.. I mean I know it's kind of just jumping to it but.. Would you maybe want to date?” I asked. He smiled, “I'd like that.” “So.. You'll be my boyfriend? Really?” I asked. “Yeah, of course.”

“Cool…. So we're like.. Dating now?” I asked, “Yeah.” He smiled.

I smiled at his response and he kissed my cheek, “I'm going to get up and get dressed now. You can leave or stay until I go, your choice.” He told me.

“I'll probably find my clothes and go. I need to go home and do some laundry.” I told him as I watched him get out of the bed. He chuckled a bit, “Laundry is so annoying. It's never ending, just like dishes.” He would say as he walked over to his closet. “Like, I can't believe people used to hand wash everything with a bucket and all..! I would just rather wear dirty clothes at that point.” He said as he grabbed clothes out.

I got up and chuckled, “Same here.” I told him, smiling. “Any clue where my clothes might've ended up?” I asked him. I don't even remember if we ended up doing it in his bed or on the couch…

“Eh, no clue. Just leave them here, you can borrow some of mine and I'll just bring them to you next time I see you.” He said digging around in his closet for a moment before throwing me a t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. I smiled, “Thanks, you really don't have to.” He scoffed, “Of course I did, you're my boyfriend now, aren't you?” He asked smugly as he walked past me, now fully clothed. My face went a bit red, my eyes following him as he walked out.

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