Chapter Twenty 💖

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Sunday, April 20th
Stan's POV
1635 words
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I let out a soft sigh as I parked my car. Today I was meeting up with Cartman. He told me he had to give me something important for this very last task. I hadn't even realized till today that it was coming so close. I'm really not really to end things...

I sighed, getting out of my car. I went into the apartment building, up the two sets of stairs, and up to Kenny's apartment. I knocked gently. Cartman was the one who answered, "Good, you came fast." I sighed "You're lucky I got off of work early." "Come in Marsh." He had such a mischievous grin on his face. I nervously walked in. "Sit down, let's talk business."

I sat down. I'm terrified, this last task is going to be bad, I know it is. They've only seemed to go up in horribleness.

Cartman had a big fat grin on his face. I'm scared. "So as you know, you only have three days left." I gave him a confused look "Three? I thought-" "Counting today." He said with a huff. "You're old task is done and over with, your new one, however, required a meet-up in person." He had a fat smirk on his face. "Okay, what is it? What torture are you gonna make me do to Kyle before ruthlessly breaking his heart?" I asked with a huff. Cartman only stood up with his smirk, leaving to go somewhere, returning with a plastic bag full of... Something..

"Here, look in the bag." He said handing it to me. I nervously peeked in and I felt my whole face get red. All that was in the bag was condoms and lube. I looked up at Cartman "I'm not having sex with Kyle Cartman! I draw the line there, he's still a virgin!" "Even better." Cartman said with a chuckle "You have to Stan. Otherwise, you can say goodbye to Kyle. The choice is yours really." I huffed "How do I even prove this to you?! Cause I am not recording us doing the horizontal tango."

Cartman hummed, thinking. "A few ways. You can show me a used condom-" "That's fucking nasty!" "Shut up!- Uh.. You could record the audio.." "Dude no way in hell." Cartman huffed "Well those are your choices, Marsh! Choose one!" "Now?!" He huffed "Yes now!"

I sighed "I don't know! Can't I just decide when I'm doing it?" He huffed "Sure, fine." He looked back at me "Your last day to complete it is April 22, aka, this Tuesday. You need to have it done by then because you're breaking up with him the next day." I frowned "The very next day?" He huffed "No the very next year-" He mocked "YES OF COURSE THE NEXT DAY YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!" he slapped me "Jesus dude, calm down." Kenny said coming in.

"You okay Stan?" I huffed "I've been better." Kenny sighed "You wanna talk?" I nodded "Away from this fucking lunatic though." I told him, standing up. "Okay, let's go out in the parking lot." I nodded.

I grabbed the bag and walked out the door with Kenny. We walked down the 2 sets of stairs before going out into the dark parking lot. It was dawn. We sat on the concrete and Kenny looked at me, lighting a cigarette "Want one?" he asked taking a puff "Pass." I'd tell him. He nodded  "So, what is he forcing you to do this time?" Kenny would ask me "Have sex with Kyle." "Jesus dude, that's a bit much-" I huffed "I know! I really don't want to but.." I sighed "He's going to hurt Kyle if I don't." "But you're already going to hurt Kyle when you break up with him." Kenny reminded me.

"Yes, but he's going to hurt him physically. I don't know what I'd do if that happened.." I told Kenny sadly. It went silent between us "So what are you going to do?" I sighed.

"I'm gonna do it today or tomorrow. Then on Tuesday, I'll convince him to stay home from school and just spend the whole day with him. I don't want to end with sex... That would really just make shit shittier." Kenny sighed, letting out another puff "I know dude. I'm sorry Cartman is putting you through this bullshit. I told him if he doesn't go back to his apartment this Thursday hes moving out so- If worst comes to worst and Kyle kicks you out, you're welcome here." I smiled, feeling tears in my eyes "Thank you, Kenny." I said hugging him.

What I need most right now is a good friend. Of course, I have all that and more with Kyle but pretty soon he's going to hate me so..

"No problem dude." He told me softly.

Soon we let go and stood up, saying our farewells. I went to my car, setting the bag in the passenger seat as I got in. I buckled up and started the car. I then drove home. It wasn't long till I arrived. When I did, I parked but I kinda just sat there for a moment, processing everything. I kinda felt like crying. I mean, I'm starting to like this honestly, I've grown accustomed to treating him like my boyfriend and all. I think I might actually be starting to like him a little, but maybe that's just me just trying to cling to him to avoid the inevitable...

I sighed and got out of the car. I grabbed the bag and tucked it in the back seat somewhere. I then walked to our apartment, unlocking the door before walking in.

To my surprise, Kyle was already up making breakfast. I took off my shoes "Good morning Stan, how was work?" He asked with a smile "Oh, it was alright I guess." I walked over to him, coming up from behind him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He giggled "I missed you." I smiled "Me too Ky." I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my head on his back "Whatcha cookin'?" I asked him "Oh just some eggs and sausage." He told me simply.

"Yum." He chuckled "It'd go a lot faster if you weren't distracting me." He said with another chuckle "But I missed you." I whined. He chuckled "I know, I was just being silly." He said turning off the burners "Let go of me the food is done. Are you hungry?" I laughed a bit, letting go "Duh."

He grabbed the food setting it on the table along with our plates and forks. We both sat down, him sitting across from me "How'd you sleep?" I asked him "Okay I guess. I'm going back to sleep after this though I woke up way too early." I chuckled "I can live with that. Are we sleeping in your room tonight or mine?" He hummed "Either way works fine for me." He said with a shrug "I've been really hot all morning though." "My room it is then," I told him with a bit of a laugh.

"Your room reminds me of when I worked at Walmart and had to do stuff in the freezer room... God, it was cold." "My room isn't THAT cold!" I told him laughing and he laughed as well. He took a bite "Well it mine as well be a freezer!"

After that we went silent, finishing our food. We then put the leftovers away and walked into my room. Kyle turned around as I changed quickly. I then turned the lights off and walked over to Kyle, smiling as we both got into bed. Kyle got on top of me, laying on my chest. I saw his smile even in the darkness.

"I love you." He told me sweetly. "I love you too Ky." He kissed me gently on my lips, making me go red. My heart pounded and my stomach started to flutter as he pulled away "I can feel your heart, you're so cute, Stan." I got redder, chucking nervously "Thanks." I told him softly.

We turned a little. We both hugged each other closely, laying on our sides facing each other. "Goodnight Stan." Kyle said laying his head on my chest "Goodnight Ky." I told him softly.

He likely went to sleep, but my mind wandered for what felt like hours after that. I don't know why I'm doing this anymore honestly. The only justifiable reason I have anymore is that Cartman might hurt Kyle, but that isn't even a good reason.. I might cry before I fall asleep because I feel so horrible about doing this to him. The guilt is getting hard to contain...

"Stan..?" Kyle asked sleepily "Are you okay? You sound like you're crying.." I sighed "Yeah, sorry... Don't worry I'm fine." He pulled out of my embrace a little, looking at my face "No you aren't. What's wrong?" I sniffled "Nothing I just-" I looked away "I..." Tell him. Tell him everything..! If you tell him now maybe he'll be a little less upset- Maybe he won't hate you or maybe he'll even want to stay with you...

"It's nothing.." I swallowed my feelings "Just missed being in your arms." I lied. God, how amazing it would be if I could just tell him... But no, I'm too far. I'm past the point of no return. "Awe.. I missed you too." I could see him smile, which just made me want to cry more, but I swallowed hard.

"I love you, Stan, get some sleep." He kissed my cheek before cuddling back up. I let out a big breath I didn't know I was holding. I genuinely don't even know what I'm doing anymore, I mean, all I want is for Kyle to be happy...

This definitely was not the right way to go to get that outcome...

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