Chapter Six 💖

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Saturday, March 22nd
Stan's POV
1406  Words
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I woke up with a yawn, rubbing my eyes. I realized pretty quick that there was someone laying on top of me. It was Kyle.

Fuck this is weird for me. He thinks I like him but I don't so this just feels weird and awkward and all of the above. But I had to get it together. Kyle told me before we went to sleep together that we would go on a date tomorrow and then we'd start dating, then the month can start and I can get this stupid ass dare over and done with. Kyle is a rational guy, I'm sure he'd understand when we're done with this.. But for now, i just gotta fake it till i make it I guess.

Remembering it was Kenny's birthday, i glanced at my alarm clock. Fuck, it was already noon.

I looked down at Kyle sleeping on my chest, giving him a gentle shake. He stirred a bit, making a soft 'hm?' sound "It's like noon Ky, we should get up so we can hangout with Kenny." He nodded stretching a bit "Okay." He said as he crawled off of me, rubbing his eyes as he sat on the edge of the bed. "We're gonna leave in like, 15 minutes tops okay?" He asked looking at me. I nodded, watching as he left my room. I got up out of bed, stretching as well before going over to my closet and putting something on. I then left my room, going out into the kitchen where Kyle was already dressed and ready with a present and his keys in hand. "You ready?"

I shook my head. I put on my shoes, grabbed my wallet, and then rushed back over to Kyle "Okay I'm ready." Kyle nodded "Good, text Kenny that we're leaving right now." He told me as he held open the door for me as I nodded and walked through, looking at my phone.

I sent the text quick and we soon got to the parking garage. We both buckled up and Kyle started the car before driving out and starting to drive to Kenny's apartment "Kenny doesn't live far, I think its like 5 minutes from here." I nodded "Oh yeah, I almost forgot this is our first time seeing it."

Kyle sighed "Also uh, please don't say anything about us to them, okay? I don't really want it to be something everyone knows about yet." I nodded. It was kind of funny, pretty much everyone already knew, even Cartman, which if this were real I wouldn't have told him. But of course it isn't.

Soon we arrived at Kenny's apartment building. We got out of the car and went into the side door, up two flights of stairs to the door that read 121. Kyle knocked gently and Kenny was pretty quick to answer "Hey guys, come on in!" He had a giant smile on his face. We both entered, shutting the door behind us. Kyle handed him the present "Here." He smiled "Thanks Kyle, you didn't have to get me anything." He shook his head "Didn't have to? That was the only thing that arrived in time. Amazon delayed the shit I ordered." he said with an eye roll. "Eh thats okay. Come sit down" He said setting it on the counter and leading us to his living room. Eric sat there, smirking widely. Fuck.

Why am I surprised he's here? He's been staying with Kenny ever since his 'apartment got flooded' but I'm pretty sure he just got kicked out. I'm so fucked, he is definitely going to bug me about me any Kyle's relationship, and the last thing I want is him telling everyone that-

"Stan are you okay?" Kyle asked looking up at me, a puzzled look on his face "Oh uh, yeah.." Kenny sat in a chair "Come on guys take a seat, me casa es su casa-" He told us with a chuckle. Kyle nodded "Okay." He sat me in the middle of him and Cartman on the couch since he didn't want to be by him, and I could just feel Cartmans eyes on me.

Kenny looked at us "So guys, my girlfriend got me this game for my birthday yesterday, do you wanna play it?" He asked happily, holding it up to show us "You have a girlfriend?" Kyle asked "Yeah! Her name is Emma, we've been dating for like two months, have you guys seriously never met?" Kyle shook his head "I guess I've just been so busy with college I kinda just- Didn't have the time.." He said looking down. I could tell he was upset, his voice kinda droped. He always said he loved college and that he lived for the work, but it seemed recently like he was just so stressed, like he didn't have time for much else. He had a really bad work life balance. If he wasn't working or at school he was locking himself in his room and studying and doing homework for hours on end.

Since I didn't go to school I hung out with Kenny and Cartman and generally just all my friends a lot more often. "Eh thats okay, she's not a huge people person anyways." He said with a shrug "So anyways, should we play it?" He asked excitedly "Eh, that game is for homos Kenny." Cartman chimed in "No it isn't! I like it!" Kenny said looking a little upset "Uh yeah, and you're a homo." He said with an eye roll. Kenny looked at the ground, upset, before eventually huffing and getting up"Whatever." He said before leaving, going into his room. I looked at Cartman "Seriously dude?! It's his birthday, don't be a dick, he really likes that game clearly!" Cartman huffed, scrolling on his phone "Oh please, he has a game where  it literally has RAINBOW in the fucking title." I huffed

"Dude that doesn't mean you need to be such an ass to Kenny." Kyle stood up "I'm gonna make sure he's okay." I nodded "Okay." I said, watching as he walked off "You literally have no right to judge what people play because you think mobile games are the best." I said crossing my arms. He huffed "They are you prick!"

"Uh, no they aren't." I proclaimed with an eye roll. "Oh yeah well- At least I'm not going behind my best friends back and pretending to date him." He said with a smirk. I deadpanned. He got me there. "Yeah, you think I forgot about that? What was it that I told you last time that I saw you.. Hmm.." I sighed "I know, I know, it's just- He's being difficult, he wants to go slow and like, I understand that but-"

"You better fucking be with him by Monday, Marsh... Or I might just have to make a tasty Broflovski chili." He said with an evil smirk. My eyes widened

"You. Fucking. Wouldn't." "Wouldn't I?" He asked with that evil smirk on his face "Now, spill. What's going on with you and the Jew now? Why's he giving you such a fuss?" I sighed "Last night we sorta got into a fight because he was starting to question the legitimacy of my feelings. He was starting to call my bluff and he got really upset. He sort of figured out I was pretending-" "What?!" I looked at him "But I didn't confirm it..! In fact, i didn't really say anything until the next morning. I just did my best to treat him nicely and he said tomorrow we'd go on a date and we'll see where it goes from there."

Eric rolled his eyes "Marsh, stop playing fucking chase the Jew. You are the dominant one, the bigger one, the better one. He's a fucking Jew." I gave him a confused look "What the hell is that supposed to mean??" He huffed "Oh my god- What that means, is who fucking cares if he wants to go slow, fucking be the dominant one, make him date you. Make it fucking happen or the Jew is gone." He said threateningly.

I didn't dare question whether he would do it or not because I know he would if it came down to that. I need to get my shit together before I end up loosing more than just my friendship with Kyle...

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