Chapter Ten 💖

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Wednesday, March 26th
Stan's POV
1189 Words
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I sighed as I sat on the couch, contemplating what to do. Sure, I could kiss him easily, but get a picture without being suspicious..? I don't even know how I'm going to pull this off! I then got a small, maybe plausible plan. I didn't work until later today, and Kyle was about to be on his way home. I'll make him something quick, we'll eat, and then I'll hide my phone in his room and hit record on it, then at some point, we'll go in there and I'll kiss him. Just a simple kiss, nothing more.. Yeah.. Yeah! That'll work. I should get to work on dinner.

Soon enough Kyle got home "Ugh, I fucking hate school." He said walking in, throwing his bag on the ground, and angrily closing the door. I walked over to him "Hm? What happened?" He huffed "That person I was studying with is my group partner and they told me that they're going on vacation for two fucking weeks so I have to do the whole thing my fucking self!" He said with a huff. I frowned "Aw, I'm sorry about that Ky.. I know what might make you feel better though." He sighed "You do?" I nodded. I pushed him over to the table, sitting him down in the chair "Stan, what are you doing..?" I chuckled "Just sit, you'll like it."

I walked to the kitchen, and grabbed the plates of food, setting one down in front of him and one in front of the spot I would be sitting in "Awe, you made dinner?" He asked with a smile "Yeah.. I'm sure it's not as good as yours but I figured it was one less thing for you to worry about." He smiled "Thank you, Stan, you're so sweet." I smiled a bit "Of course." We then ate in silence, finishing relatively fast. He chuckled as he looked over at me "Stan, you have Spaghetti sauce all over your face." "Huh?" I would ask.

"Here let me." He got up, grabbed a kitchen towel, and got it a bit wet before coming back over to me and gently wiping it off, smiling softly at me. My face heated up a bit as he did so. He was so close. When he finished he smiled, gently kissing my forehead. "There, all better." my face turned slightly red and I shivered a little. He took the plates, putting them on the counter by the dishwasher. He then smiled at me "Stan, I'm going to go change, alright?" I nodded "Okay."

It didn't register for a second but then I realized that I was going to accidentally record him fucking naked. Fuck fuck fuck -

I got up quickly, gently knocking on his door "Hold on a second, let me get my shirt on." I heard him say. "Okay, you can come in." I opened the door, walking in, and closing it behind me. I glanced over at the spot my phone was in. he didn't notice..

"What's up?" He asked. I walked over to him, looking down into his eyes "Have you ever kissed anyone before?" He blushed "Well uh.. Technically yes but I don't really count it." He said softly "Who was it?" I asked curiously "Don't you remember? It was Bebe." "Oh right.. In the treehouse.. hah.." He nodded "As I said though, I don't really count it honestly." He said looking away, blushing a bit.

I looked at him, putting my hands on his hips. "You look cute today." I told him simply "Really, you think so?" I nodded "Sorry your day was kind of trash but, I know another thing that could make it a little better.." "Hm?" He asked softly.

I glanced back at my phone, making sure we were in the shot before slowly leaning in and kissing him softly. I closed my eyes, putting one hand on his cheek. It didn't take long for him to wrap his arms around my neck and gently kiss me back.

This felt very very very weird considering that he was my best friend and this was all just fake. But if it meant him staying alive, I'd kiss him every day.

I soon pulled away, looking down into his eyes. He looked starstruck. I chuckled "You're cute." He blushed "That was amazing." He told me softly. I smiled "I'm glad to hear."

He yawned softly "Stan, I'm gonna head to bed in a minute okay?" I got nervous "Without brushing your teeth?" He gasped "You're right! Thanks for reminding me." He said with a smile as he left the room. I then grabbed my phone out of its hiding place, stopping the recording. I played the video with no volume, trimming it to the part where we kissed. I then sent the video to Cartman.

"There, it's done." I simply texted him. He sent a thumbs-up emoji. I let out a big breath, quickly deleting the video from my gallery. A message appeared from Cartman "Since you two didn't get together right on the first day of a month, you will have to do this for 30 days. But as of right now, week one is completed."

Thirty days?! God. This is going to drag on forever. I sighed, hastily sending back a simple ''Okay'' just in time for Kyle to get back "I'm going to go to sleep now, are you sleeping with me or in your own room tonight?" I sighed "Neither, I have to work tonight." "Oh, that's right." He chuckled "Well you have a good da- night. I love you." I smiled slightly "I love you too Ky.." I said softly. He sighed, giving me a short hug "Come cuddle me when you get home if I'm still here, okay..?" I nodded.

He kissed my cheek softly before letting go, smiling softly at me. The guilt was setting in here, really hard too. Why did I agree to this? He then walked into his room, shut the door, and turned off the lights. I went to my room, changing into my work uniform. I jumped a bit as I got a call from Kenny out of all people.

"Hello?" He sighed "Dude, are you still pretending to date Kyle?" I sighed "Yeah..?" "Stan, please don't do this, you're going to hurt him badly if you do and-" I huffed "Kenny you don't understand, this isn't just for a dare anymore! It's fucking more!" "What is that supposed to mean?" I sighed "Cartman is going to hurt him if I don't follow the rules that he's giving me. He's giving me tasks every week for 30 days to do with him or to him otherwise he will hurt Kyle and that is the last fucking thing I want.." I teared up "I hate doing this already Kenny, do you think I would've gone through with this if there wasn't a real reason?" he sighed "I'm sorry dude.. I didn't know." I sighed, drying my tears "It's fine.." "I'll see you at work dude." Kenny said "Yeah." I responded simply, hanging up.

I hate this.

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