Chapter Seven 💖

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Saturday, March 22nd
Kyle's POV
736 Words
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I hurried to Kenny's room only a second or two after he had ran off, seemingly upset. I knocked gently "Kenny it's me, can I come in?" I asked. I heard a quiet yes, so I entered the room, closing the door behind me. He was laying on his bed, balled up.

"Can i sit with you?" He nodded, and so i did so, looking down at him I frowned.

"Dude, what's wrong?" He sighed, sitting up and sitting beside me "Kyle, do you ever feel like you aren't something that you've always claimed to be all of your life..?" "Um well.. Yeah a few times." He looked away from me.

"I'm so sick of Cartman making gay jokes I just-" He sighed, taking his hood down and messing with his hair, hanging his head back, upset. "Well everyone is, but he finds them amusing, especially now that he knows I'm gay." Kenny looked down. "Did something happen?" He nodded "Mind telling?" "I guess I don't.. I mean it's a lot of things really I guess but, mainly it's just-" He sighed again "I think I like guys.. like.. romantically.." He told me "But like, I like girls still, and I love my girlfriend and everything but there was this guy I saw the other day at this bar and we were talking and I looked him in the eyes and his voice was so deep and I got fucking butterflies talking with him." He said, sounding embarrassed.

"Are you maybe.. like.. Bisexual? Like Stan?" He shook his head "No that's just the thing, Bisexual people usually have more of a preference but honestly I'd get with anyone if I liked them enough..!" He complained "And I don't know what that is, or why that is but it makes me different and I don't know how I'm supposed to tell my girlfriend that I got butterflies talking to a random sorta cute guy at a bar who I may or may not have asked for his number and may or may not have.. hooked up with..?" I looked at him "Woah hold up- You hooked up with him..!?" He nodded "YEAH I KNOW IT'S BAD..!" he said covering his face.

"It was so stupid but we were both drunk and he was complimenting me and so I fucking kissed him and then one thing led to another and I woke up in his apartment.." He told me, looking embarrassed "And then yesterday I went to go see my girlfriend after work yesterday to tell her and apologize but she got me that game and-" He teared up, looking up at me "I feel fucking awful dude, she's amazing but that giy just was so hot or was magical or something and put a spell on me to fuck him or something-" He said with a huff.

"..Did you like it?" He looked at me, puzzled for a moment but then nodded "Well yeah. It was fucking amazing. We went for like, an hour or two." "Jesus Kenny, I did not need to know that." He chuckled a little, but then looked up at me, frowning "What do I do Kyle..? She's too sweet for me, she doesn't deserve a whore like me.." He said sadly.

I shook my head "Kenny, of course she deserves you, and you deserve her. Just be honest with her, tell her what happened and apologize, it's better to tell her sooner rather than later." He sighed, rubbing his eyes, leaning against me "Ugh, I hate that you're so right." He said with a huff.

"Promise you won't tell anyone about this?" he asked "Of course, your secrets are always safe with me Kenny." He smiled and hugged me "Thank you Kyle.. you're like a big brother to me." He said smiling. I smiled, hugging him back "That makes me happy to hear."

Soon we let go "So Kenny, wanna go play that game now?" I asked, opening the door "Kyle wait-" I looked back at him "Hm?" "There's something about Stan you should know." I gave a puzzled look "He doesn't-"

"Ky, Kenny! I'm ordering pizza's what kind does Kenny want!?" Stan yelled from the living room "You can tell me another time Kenny, come on." I said walking away without thinking too much more about it.

He simply sighed and followed behind me.

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