Chapter Sixteen💖

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Tuesday, April 15th
Kyle's POV
1689 Words
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"And that should be all for today. You guys are free to go, but I'm here to chat if anyone has questions." The professor told us. I started to pack my things up, putting everything back in my bag before zipping it up "Hey, what's your name?" I looked up. A guy was standing beside me. He was Hispanic-looking with black hair and a soft smile on his lips. He looked a bit familiar but it wasn't clicking at all why that was. "Oh uh- It's Kyle," I said simply, putting my bag over my shoulder and standing up "I'm David, it's a pleasure to meet you." He pronounced it oddly, though I figured that's just what his name was. I nodded "Same to you."

"I've seen you around this school, and the classes, but not in the dorm areas. You live off campus?" I nodded "Mhm." I don't know where this conversation is going and today I'm not in a great mood because I didn't eat lunch. I just hope I'm not coming off as bitchy... "Well, I think you are a cute guy, and you seem lonely here so thought I'd ask if you'd want to be my friend." Damn, smooth as hell. He just called me cute and made me feel like he didn't.

"Uh, sure, I don't mind." "Could I have your number?" I nodded  "Sure it's 123-456-7892." I told him "Alright." He looked back at me, taking my hand and kissing it gently"I shall see you another time." He said before letting go of my hand and leaving. I just stood there in bewilderment. What the hell even just happened? Was I just essentially flirted into giving a random dude my number? I mean I'll admit, he's sorta good looking, but I'm already in a relationship.

Eventually, I just ignored whatever that was and left the lecture room, heading out to my car. I got in it, starting it and buckling up. Before going anywhere, I propped my phone up in the phone holder in my car "Siri, Call Stan." "Calling Stan." She'd reply, the phone starting to ring as I pulled out of the parking lot. After a few rings, he answered "Hey Kyle." "Hi, Stan. I just got done with school for today. I'm on my way home now." I told him simply "Oh sick!" "You'll never believe what happened before I left though.."

I told him the whole story as I drove. He was understandably a little upset but I just reminded him that I loved him and wasn't going to cheat, and he knew that.

"Babe, I just pulled into the parking garage, see you soon." "Mhm, love you." I nodded "Love you too." He then hung up as I parked and got out. Walking to our apartment I unlocked the door and came in, locking it behind me "Kyle!" He called out. He was on the couch but sprung up, running over to me and giving me a tight hug. I chuckled a bit "I missed you too sweetie."

"So um.. I didn't tell you but I made a reservation at a nice restaurant downtown." Stan said simply "Wait, really?" I asked softly "Yeah." I smiled "Awe, Stan.." I kissed his cheek "You're such a sweetheart."

He chuckled "I just thought- We've already been together like, 4 weeks- Mine as well celebrate for that." That made me laugh a bit "It feels corny to say, but happy 4 weeks then I guess." He chuckled "Happy 4 weeks Kyle." I gave him a brief hug before smiling "I'm gonna shower, okay? When are we going?" He shrugged "An hour, maybe two?" I nodded "Alright."

I walked to my room, got some clothes, and then stepped into the bathroom, turning on the light. I then hummed, picking up a piece of paper laying on the counter "Stan, is this yours?" I asked walking out "Oh shit- Yeah thanks." He was quick to take it "What is it?" "Oh uh- Just a page I ripped out of a notebook.." "In the bathroom?" I asked raising a brow "Okay it's from my super secret diary that I was going to start but decided not to." He crumpled it up, smushing it down, before putting it in his mouth, chewing it up, and painfully swallowing it "Dude, why didn't you just throw it away?" "Because my thoughts are secret." He told me with a slight cough.

I chuckled, rolling my eyes "Okay Stan." I said before shutting the door. I locked it behind me, getting undressed. I walked into the shower, not bothering to even glance at the mirror. Turning on the while I relaxed into the water. It seemed the water always relaxed me. I stood there for longer than I'd like to admit.

Soon enough I washed my body and hair before getting out and drying off. I got dressed and then looked up at the clock in the bathroom. Geez, I was in there for at least half an hour, maybe 40 minutes. I then walked out. "We gotta do laundry tomorrow, Stan." "I can do it while you're gone." "Okay, thanks." I walked past him, putting my dirty clothes in the dirty clothes basket. I then grabbed my phone and walked over to Stan "How's that paper digesting?" He chuckled "My stomach hurts a bit now, but I'm probably just hungry." I laughed a bit "You ready to go?" He'd ask "Yeah I just need my shoes."

Soon I got my shoes on and I took his hand "Let's go. Am I driving or you?" He smiled, grabbing his keys "I can." He then flipped the switch to the kitchen and opened the door, holding it open for me.

I walked out, waiting for the other. He shut the door behind us, locking it "We good?" I'd ask "Mhm." I took his hand "Cool, let's go." He smiled a bit, nodding. 

He then walked beside me to the parking garage. Upon arriving, we got in the car and buckled up. He then started the car and pulled out, driving to the place. It was maybe a 5 minutes drive, so it didn't take too long to get there. Soon we got there and got out, walking in with our hands intertwined.

"Do you have a reservation?" the guy would ask "Yes." "Name?" Stan smiled "Stan Marsh?"

"Mhm, just you two?" He nodded "Are you two friends?" The guy asked as he grabbed two menus, eyeing our intertwined hands "Um no... This is my boyfriend." He gave us a weird look "Mhm. Right this way." He said rolling his eyes. He soon led us to a table throwing down the menus before storming off.

"Jesus... What was that about..?" Stan shrugged "Dude must not like my shirt." He said referencing the t-shirt he was wearing which was a printed picture of a tuxedo "Stan I don't think that was it.." I told him softly "Nah I'm sure that was it." Soon a waiter came "Hello, I'll be your waitress tonight." She'd tell us. She had a Southern accent. "Can I get you two friends anything to drink?" Stan hummed "Actually we're-" I kicked his leg "I'll just have water." "Ow.. Um.. I'll just have water too." She nodded "Alright, I'll be back soon again when you're ready to order." She said before leaving "Why'd you kick me? And why does everyone keep asking and assuming we're friends?" "Stan.." I deadpanned "Do you really not know why?"

"No." I sighed "Whatever, just look at the menu." He nodded "Sorry." He said grabbing the menu and covering his face with it. I didn't notice much. I eventually picked what I wanted before looking back over at Stan "I know what I want. Do you?" He nodded a bit. Soon the waitress returned "Hello! Are we ready to order?" Stan nodded, telling her what he wanted. I did the same and she repeated the order before taking the menus "Alright then. I'll get back to you two soon. And might I say, this is quite a fancy place to go with a friend... Any special event?" "Um-" I started "Well we're not friends, he and I are dating." Stan interrupted me. I bit my bottom lip "Oh... Date you say?" She asked "We don't get a lot of... Gays around here.." "Is that a problem?" Stan would ask "Well no... It's just that- A nice young man like you should be with a nice young lady like me.." She told Stan "Well I like guys." He said with a shrug "Oh, that's just what you think." She told him.

"That's just nothing but the devil talking to you. You should go to church and talk to a pastor about that." She told him. I think it was finally clicking in Stan's head what kind of restaurant this was "Yeah, you're probably right." He said, just trying to get her to go at this point "I'll pray for you. Bless your hearts and may the devil release you." She said before leaving. He then slowly turned his eyes to me "I didn't know this was a homophobic place." He mouthed to me "It's cool." I said softly "I just read the reviews saying it was a nice new restaurant..!" He said quietly "Stan it's- it's okay." "Should we go?"

"I mean... We don't have to." Stan sighed "I want to." I shrugged "Alright." We got up, walked out, and got into the car, just sitting there for a moment before bursting into laughter "You gotta admit that was sorta funny." Stan said pulling out of the parking lot "It was." "Sorry our date got ruined." "Eh it's okay, I don't need anything fancy," I said kissing his cheek.

"I love you for trying." He smiled "Thanks Ky." "No prob hun." It went silent "So, what now?" I asked, "Wanna get Burger King and sit in an empty parking lot to star gaze?" He suggested. I gasped happily "Now that sounds like a perfect date!" I said with a chuckle "Better than a fancy homophobic Christian restaurant?"

I chuckled "Much better."

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