Chapter One 💖

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Monday, March 17th
Stans POV
2287 Words
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I groaned a bit as I sat up in bed, holding my head. Ugh, I have a horrible hangover. Walking out of my room, I see Kyle who is standing in our shared kitchen, making eggs. He glanced over at me. I walked over to him, sitting at the small table near him "Morning. I'm surprised you're up this early. You got home pretty late." I chuckled a bit "Hah, me and you both, Kyle." I said softly. I then turned on my phone, seeing about twenty texts from Cartman reminding me of the dare I had agreed to last night "Fuck." I said audibly "Hm?" Kyle asked, looking back at me, "Nothing." I replied simply "Cartman just reminded me of something he blackmailed me for last night." Kyle chuckled, "Ameture" I gasped "Oh shut up!" I said with a chuckle.
My smile was quick to fade though. I laid my head on the table, upset. I had to do this, but I really didn't want to hurt him. I hated the thought, even the idea of me playing with his heart.  Kyle still really hasn't ever dated anyone. He thought he was asexual for a while, actually.

I looked up as I felt Kyle set two things down in front of me. It was a plate of eggs and a glass of water.
He then left the room. I sighed, keeping my head down. My hangover was bad, but it wasn't throw-up bad. I jumped as I felt a soft cold hand on my back
"Sorry. Are you okay Stan?" Kyle asked softly
"Yeah, just hungover."

Kyle chuckled "I figured.'' He took my hand, placing two pills on my palm, "There's some Asprin," he told me softly, "Eat the eggs and drink that whole glass of water. Okay?" I nodded, sitting up , and swallowing the pills without any water.
Kyle sat across from me with a small plate of eggs "Kyle." I said, giving him a look.

"Did you give yourself less on purpose?"
He sighed, "Yeah. I'm just not very hungry and-" I stood up, interrupting him. "Nope. You need to eat more, Kyle. I'm not letting you almost starving yourself to death." I said grabbing a banana and giving it to him. He chuckled a bit "Thank you, dude.. But um, I hate bananas.." He said with an awkward chuckle as he set it down.

I nodded, sitting back down, and taking a bite of the eggs he made "These are good. Thank you, Ky." He nodded, "Don't mention it."

I sighed, feeling my phone buzz again, which only further reminded me that I had to do this. At least, I had to try. "So uh, Kyle?" he looked up at me.
"I heard a rumor or two that you have a thing for me... Like romantically? And I uh- Is it true?" Kyle's face reddened a bit "Damn it, Cartman fucking told you didn't he?" I nodded.
He stared at his food, playing with it with his fork "Well, yeah. I like you like that. I have for a really, really long time. Sorry if that makes shit awkward or anything.." He said softly
"Really?" I asked. He nodded.

Fuck, now I'm gonna feel even worse.
"I was actually wondering if you maybe wanted to like... Go on a date? If not I mean that's fine! I just uh- Yeah.." I said awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.
“Like an actual date, not as friends?" I nodded, staring at the plate nervously. "Dude I'd seriously love that..! You're not kidding, right?" I shook my head, "I actually want to go out with you." He had a wide smile on his face "Yeah! Cool. I'd- Yeah, I'd love to.." I looked at him. He was smiling ear to ear.

Why am I doing this?!
"Anywhere specific that you wanna go on a date?" He thought for a moment "Nothing fancy. I like it simple. Could we have a picnic date? For like, lunch y'know.." I nodded "Sure." Kyle smiled "Okay! Cool! I mean uh- cool." He said, trying not to seem too excited, which made me chuckle a bit "Kyle, you don't have to play it cool." He blushed a bit "Ugh, I know." he said covering his face. He jumped a bit as his alarm went off "Fuck, I gotta finish this quick, I have to leave in 5 minutes."
"Haha, loser, you have to go to college!" He rolled his eyes, swallowing a large number of eggs he had scarfed down "Be quiet, college is important!" He said standing up and taking care of his plate "Eat the banana." He huffed

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