Chapter Twenty-two 💖

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Sunday, April 20th
Stan's POV
3157 words
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"I um.." I started. Really, what excuse was there? I stood up, looking down at him awkwardly "Stan, this is weird." He said looking away. I put my hand on his cheek "No, I mean, I think it's pretty normal." I told him. "Stan are you drinking again?" I shook my head "No I just-" I sighed. I grabbed him by the waist, gently tumbling us down onto the bed, me on top of him "You're so hot." I told him, looking down at him. I swear I felt his boner get harder. I gave him a breif kiss "Just wait right here baby, I'll be right back." I said getting up. I quickly rushed out of his room and out of the house, down to my car grabbing that stupid fucking bag before going back up to him. I set the bag on the floor. He was frozen where he was last time.

I climbed on top of him, looking down at him "What should we do about that problem of yours?" Kyle sighed "St-stan- I-" I stopped. Was he not comfortable with this? "Whats wrong? We don't have to do this if you don't want to." He sighed "I don't really want to do all of it today.." He said quietly "I do need help getting rid of my.. um.. you know.." I nodded "Okay, okay. I got it. Just, tell me when you aren't comfortable with something okay sweetie?" I'd ask Kyle, giving him a soft kiss. He smiled back up at me softly "Okay Stan." He told me softly..

(Tee hee- Here again with a warning for some nsfw. The majority of this chapter likely will be nsfw, but If you aren't comfortable reading it scroll till you see this emoji: 🙀)

.. I looked down at him, gently unwrapping his towel. Without even looking first, I wrapped my hand around Kyle cock and gently rubbed it up and down. The other let out a quiet moan "Y-you know you really don't have to do this." He said looking up at me "I want to though baby." I said seductively, placing a soft kiss on his lips "If you don't want me to though, I can stop." He shook his head fast "No..! it feels so good~" He said softly. I looked at him "You want me to go faster?" he nodded fast. I simply nodded back, picking up the pace.

He moaned softly "Jesus.. That feels so-" his breathing hitched for a moment as I continued to speed up "St-stan-" He moaned softly. I stopped for a moment. I climbed on top of him gently, leaning down and kissing him, slipping my tongue in his mouth before continuing to stroke his dick up and down, going faster this time. He closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around me, his tongue fighting back with mine as he let out soft moans.

At some point I pulled away, a strand of saliva connecting from my mouth to his. His face was bright red. I stopped jerking him off once more, leaning down too his neck and sucking and biting on it softly. He let out soft moans, shivering slightly at the sensation. At some point, moving to different spots on his neck I found his sweet spot. I knew this because he let out a louder moan as I gently bit down on it.

I smirked slightly, and with that in mind I moved my hand up to the tip of his dick, gently rubbing it in a circular motion as I continued to bite and suck on his neck. He moaned loudly as I did this "S-stan.. it's too much I'm- I'm-" He squeezed his eyes shut as he cummed in my hand and a little bit on the two of us. I pulled away from his neck and looked down at him. He looked up at me, panting a bit with his bright red face. I can't lie, I felt myself get a bit hard looking down at him. Feeling my face redden, I move my hand and take it off of his cock. I wipe it off on the towel still beneath Kyle.

Soon he opens his eyes, looking up at me with lust in them. He gently grabbed my face, pulling me into a passionate kiss as he flipped us so he'd sit on top of me now. My face was bright red as he pulled away.

He smirked, looking down at me. He then gently pulled my shirt off of me. He kissed my cheek and slowly trailed down to my neck where he gently bit into my neck, sucking in the spot softly. I shivered slightly as he did this. He slowly made his way down my body, leaving kisses, bite marks, and hickeys all the way down to the waist band of my pants.

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