Chapter Thirty-Two 💖

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Saturday, May 29th
Kyle’s POV
2544 Words
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After David and I had kissed, which was spectacular by the way, I noticed Stan was gone. Was it too much for him, or did he just have to use the bathroom? Gary had stood up, his head turned in a different direction, “Stan, wait..!” He called out.

“Where did he go?” I asked Gary, “Is he alright?” I felt a little bad. I knew he was still a little hung up over me, even though he did his best to pretend he was over it. Seeing me with David here tonight was probably just too much for him, and I feel shitty for walking over here. I guess I should've just left with David.

Gary didn't answer. He would just gather his things and leave. I looked back at David, who chuckled, “What's up with them?” He asked, “I don't know..” I said, sighing.

I took his hand and we walked out together. We took a little longer to leave as we took in the atmosphere just a little more. Once we got to the car, I sighed, looking at David, “Can I go find Stan's car and see if he's okay?” “Yeah, sure.” I smiled at him, “Alright, I'll be back soon.” I told him softly, kissing his cheek.

I then walked off looking for Stan's car. It ended up not being too far from mine, so I was just hoping I'd be able to apologize for any hard feelings, but as soon as I was close enough to the window to see in, my stomach dropped.

Him and Gary were making out.

It didn't look like anything was forced, it didn't look like Stan wasn't liking it, in fact, he looked like he was in heaven. And I have a boyfriend, yet here I am feeling jealousy bubble up in my stomach.

I walked back to my car, a little upset with him, but I don't know why. It's not like we were together, I probably don't even like him anymore. Even if I did, I'm in a happy relationship! I can't think of him that way. Clearly, I'm just jealous of how amazing that kiss looked.. Actually, that still doesn't sound right..

But NO! I am not jealous, I can't be! I have a boyfriend, I love him, I can't be jealous, not at all.

“Babe, are you okay?” David would ask as I returned to him, “I'm fine.” I lied. I don't want him to think I still like Stan because I probably don't. It was just weird seeing him with a guy who was much more attractive than me and him clearly enjoying it a lot. I mean, I didn't even know he was talking to Gary again…

“Let's just go.” I told David with a sigh, getting in the car.

The drive home was silent. I think he could tell I was upset about something.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I shook my head at the question, “It's not a big deal, he just wasn't there.” I replied, but I'm pretty sure he could tell that wasn't the truth.

“Is it alright if I stay with you tonight? I don't want to drive back home.” “Yeah, sure, I don't mind.” He smiled at me, but I couldn't bring myself to smile back. I really hoped he didn't think I was mad at him. I don't even know who I'm mad at, or why I am mad. Stan's felt horrible ever since we broke up and this was one of the first times I saw him actually moving on, and now I'm going to be the one getting jealous over nothing.

I glanced over at David as he put his hand on my leg and gently rubbed it. I could tell he was trying to soothe me, and it was working. I let out a breath. I love him, he's such a sweetheart.

Soon we got to his apartment. We went in and went to his room. “Can I borrow some of your clothes? I don't love the idea of sleeping in jeans.” I told him with a chuckle.

“Yeah, of course, I'll get you some.” He said, standing up, going to his closet. He soon returned with some pajama pants and a baggy T-shirt of his. I smiled a bit, “Thank you.” I told him as I took it. I went to his bathroom and changed. I soon came out, returning to his bedroom. He was already laying on the bed, changed into something else. I let out a big breath and crawled into the bed next to him, “Sorry for being like that on the way back home..” I told him, “It's alright.” He replied, pulling me close.

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