Chapter Thirty-One 💖

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Saturday, May 29th
Kyle’s POV
2,166 Words
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I smiled as me and David found our way to our seats. He sat across from me and he just looked so cute.

I must have been staring because he would chuckle before saying “Take a picture, it might last longer.” My cheeks went red and I got a bit embarrassed “Sorry- I'm just.. Excited. This is technically only our second date.” I told him. He smirked, chuckling “Not if you count all those dinner dates we had together when we were still in college.” He said, making me chuckle, “Shh, it doesn't count because we weren't dating.” I told him, making him chuckle. His laugh was really cute, I really do just adore it.

I adore him in general, really. He's as close as you can get to perfect in a guy from head to toe, outside and in. If you told me he had never done a wrong thing ever in his life, I'd truly believe you. I wish I could be like him, I could only dream of being so laid back yet also sweet at the same time.

I was snapped out of my trance as the waitress came, smiling at us “Hello you two, can I get you anything to drink?” She asked, smiling.

“I'll just have water.” I told her, “Me too.” David said. “Alright, I'll be back with that soon then.” She told us before walking away.

I turned my head back to David and smiled at him “Thank you for taking me here, it's been awhile.” I told him “Of course Kyle. Anytime.” “You have to at least let me pay the bill since you were so sweet and thought this all out.” I told him “Nonsense, I'll pay for it all Ky.” I chuckled, “You're so sweet.”

My eyes instinctively glanced over to the table near us as I saw people sitting down. However, I had to do a second take to make sure I wasn't just seeing things. Is that really Stan..?!

Stan's POV
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Me and Gary were soon seated, sitting across from each other. He smiled shyly at me, his cheeks flushing a little, “You look good.” He told me. “Thanks.” I told him, my cheeks flushing a little as well.

I glanced to my right as my eyes wandered, but my eyes would widen. I wasn't seeing things..! Kyle WAS here with David. And he was staring at me. Oh my god. Of all the things to happen this is the absolute worst. Gary must have noticed my expression, giving a pondered look, “Is everything alright, Stan?” I looked at him.

“Yeah it's just.. um. The guy I told you about earlier today who's my ex but still my friend and I'm still trying to get over is here with his boyfriend..” Gary glanced over at them “Oh, that's him?” I nodded.

“This is awkward..” I breathed out.

Can't I just go on a date without being reminded of the guy I'm trying so hard to get over..?! I glanced back over, and he didn't seem to care all that much anymore. Him and David were chatting up a storm, he was giggling, and smiling. I didn't realize I was staring till the waiter ended up coming with water and asking if we wanted any other drinks.

After he had left I tried to keep my eyes off of Kyle. I couldn't help but feel like David was already being so much more of a better boyfriend than I ever was or could be. Kyle looks so much happier with him.

“Are you alright Stan? We could ask for a different table if you want.” “No, no.. It's okay. I think I'll be fine.”

We talked a little bit and even ordered our food. But my eyes just ended up back on Kyle. It looked like he was having the time of his life eating and chatting with David. I don't know if I'm jealous of what they have or of what me and Kyle don't have, but either way I can tell Gary is a little annoyed that I can't keep my eyes off of Kyle, even if he's smiling right now. I sighed “I'm sorry, I just.. Can't help it..” I told him, “It's okay Stan, I get it.” He replied.

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