Chapter Twenty-Four 💖

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Thursday, April 24th
Kyle's POV
2146 words
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I woke up with a groan. My head hurt and I was passed out on my desk. I sat up and looked around. I had finished all my work that I had missed from all the times Stan kept me from school, and likely done all the studying I'd missed.

I had cried for 3 hours last night, and periodically throughout the day. My emotions are all over the place. I love him but right now I'm so mad at him and he absolutely shattered my heart.

I glanced at the clock. It was 4. I had slept through the whole day, meaning all of my classes too. Great. Right now I really need someone to talk to.. But who?

I sighed, picking my phone. I scrolled through my contacts looking. There were really only two people I could think of, and one of them was a last resort, so I dialed David's number. No answer. I tried one more time, and this times he answered "Hello?" "Stan broke up with me." I told him sadly "What? Why? When?" He asked "Yesterday because he doesn't love me." I told him tearing up.

"He doesn't?" "No. He never did, he did it all for a dare. He was just pretending." I told him as a few tears streamed down my face "Oh Kyle, I'm so sorry about that.." He told me softly. I took a deep breath, trying to stop crying "What I don't understand is he seemed so happy all the time, he never seemed to be pretending. I mean we kissed, we made out, we had fucking sex for crying out loud! I don't understand how you can do all that with someone whom you've known for most of your life and say it was all a hoax, a scam, a lie! Pretend if you will! ..I told him so many times how much I loved and cared for him, and I really thought him to be a truthful man who hated to lie- I thought if he was pretending at some point he'd break down and tell the truth. But NO! He just deliberately lied to me over and over again, every "I love you" just being "because he had to". His reasoning for accepting this dare is so stupid too! Our friend who dared him said he'd kill me if he didn't, when in reality I could fucking beat him to a pulp in a minute flat." I told him with a huff.

"I'm sorry about all this Kyle. I can't imagine how upset you are." David said "I'm mad.. But also absolutely heartbroken. Stan left the apartment, he's probably staying with our friend Kenny. I just don't want to be here anymore. It doesn't feel like my nice warm home anymore, it just feels like an apartment full of lies."

Stan's POV:

I sighed staring up at the ceiling. The living room was silent. I could hear the faucet dripping from the kitchen. Why did I do it? I really don't know.

I lost my Best friend, not to mention my boyfriend. I hate myself for doing this.

I looked up as Kenny walked in the door "Hey, you still depressed over Kyle?" I sat up, huffing "What do you think?" He chuckled "Okay sorry.. Well there's a party tonight, and I know you don't work tonight, so you're coming with me." I sighed "Dude I don't want to go to another party, thats how this whole mess started anyways." Kenny chuckled "So your just going to sulk on the couch all night for something you essentially did yourself?" I sighed, and after a long minute of him looking at me I looked at him "Fine, I'll go." I said getting up.

"Okay. Let's go." I nodded, grabbing my phone and it's charger before following Kenny out the door.

I got into his car and he drove for maybe 10 minutes before parking on the side of the road in front of a large two story house that looked crowded just from the outside. I was not ready for this but we were already here so there was no going back.

I walked in with Kenny and almost immediately lost him. I looked around, not knowing really what to do.

I started to wonder around and at some point, and found a table full of alcohol. I sighed and grabbed a bottle, chugging it down. I heard a chuckle from behind me, stopping and turning around "Well you haven't changed much from when we last dated." I looked. It was Wendy. "Oh, hey Wendy." She giggled "You still just a raving alcoholic?" she'd ask "No, I haven't drank in awhile I've just had a tough few days." "I heard you and Kyle were dating now." I laughed a bit, taking a swig from the bottle "Not anymore."

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